Calendar Event Types


Admin users have the option of creating any number of custom event types, therefore this guide will only focus on creation and use cases for the system generated event types.

Universal Event Creation Options

Users will find several customizable fields that are consistent across multiple event types. The following fields are considered universal for all event types:

Title: Enter a Title for your event. This title will be displayed on the calendar as well as when your event is viewed.

Starts/Ends (From/Until): Optional. Choose a start and end time for the event or resource reservation. There also exists the option to select All Day for the event.

Time Zone: Select the originating time zone for the event. The time zone will update for each invitee according to the location settings set for their account.

Description: Optional. Use the rich text editor to provide details for the event.

Change Icon: Optional. Upload a custom icon for the event. Recommended size: 250 x 250 px

Event Color (if enabled from the Admin Portal): (Optional)Designate a color for the event as it will appear on the calendar.

Recurrence: (Optional. Not available for the Resource Reservation event type) Toggle this setting ON if you want the event to repeat at a chosen interval. You can set the interval to recur every day, week, month, or year. You can also choose when the recurrence should end: it can continue indefinitely, stop after a certain number of recurrences (up to 99), or end on a specific date.


The standard external event type. Along with the above mentioned universal options, the appointment type also allows you to enter in a location for the event.

Use case examples include: Client or Customer Appointments, Networking Events, Vendor or Supplier Meetings, Site Visits or Inspections, Community or Charity Engagements, Legal or Regulatory Meetings, Educational Workshops or Seminars, Personal Development

These examples highlight how appointments serve as a tool for managing a wide range of external engagements and activities that impact an employee's professional responsibilities and personal development. They contribute to effective time management and organization beyond internal team meetings.

Company Event - Admin Only

An event invitation broadcast to the entire company. This event type is limited to only those admins with permission to create events on behalf of the company.

Along with the universal options, company event types include the additional options:

Type: Select whether the event will take place in person, via online meetup, or both. Depending on your selection, additional menu options will appear.

  • Online: If Online is selected, you will be prompted to enter in the meeting link or connect to a Microsoft Teams Meeting space. This option is required.

  • In Person: If this option is selected, you will be prompted to select a registered Resource within your company space. This selection is optional.

If the option Both is selected, then all additional menu options mentioned above will appear.

Resource: (Optional) Select a registered Resource within your company space.

RSVP Settings: From the dropdown menu select the RSVP configuration. Choose from anyone in the company can rsvp, anyone in the company can rsvp but the organizer will need to approve the rsvp, or no rsvp required.

Notification: (Optional) Enable this setting to automatically post a comment on your behalf in the event feed, notifying all event invitees at the specified time. This notification can be configured to appear in a number of minutes, hours, or days before the event's start time.

Add huddle/conferencing: (Optional) Check this box if you need to conduct online screen sharing using either GoToMeeting or services during the event.

Enable photo sharing: (Optional) Check this box to allow event invitees to upload photos on the event page.

Show the invitee list to everyone: (Optional) Check this box to allow all users with access to the event page to view the list of invitees.

Use case examples include: Annual General Meetings (AGMs), Company-wide Training Sessions or Workshops, Quarterly or Annual Reviews, Health and Wellness Programs, Company-wide Celebrations or Milestones, Town Hall Meetings or All-Hands Sessions

Admins can create company events to ensure that important organizational activities are properly planned, communicated, and executed. Their role is essential in maintaining efficiency, compliance, and employee engagement within the company.


This standard and most recognizable internal event type. This event type typically refers to recurring internal meetings that are essential for team collaboration, communication, and project management within the organization.

Along with the universal options, company event types include the additional options:

Type: Select whether the event will take place in person, via online meetup, or both. Depending on your selection, additional menu options will appear.

  • Online: If Online is selected, you will be prompted to enter in the meeting link or connect to a Microsoft Teams Meeting space. This option is required.

  • In Person: If this option is selected, you will be prompted to select a registered Resource within your company space. This selection is optional.

If the option Both is selected, then all additional menu options mentioned above will appear.

Add Attendees: Only individuals who are invited can see this event on their calendar.

  • Click Invite Team Members to access an additional field where you can add entire projects, groups, or departments to the event.

  • Select Invite Non-Network People to access a text field where you can enter their email addresses. Use this option to invite individuals who are not in your network.

People invited via email will receive a unique link to access the event. They will not have access to the rest of the domain, ensuring privacy and security.

Resource: (Optional) Select a registered Resource within your company space.

Notification: (Optional) Enable this setting to automatically post a comment on your behalf in the event feed, notifying all event invitees at the specified time. This notification can be configured to appear in a number of minutes, hours, or days before the event's start time.

Files: Attach files to the event invitation as necessary.

Notification: (Optional) Enable this setting to automatically post a comment on your behalf in the event feed, notifying all event invitees at the specified time. This notification can be configured to appear in a number of minutes, hours, or days before the event's start time.

Add huddle/conferencing: (Optional) Check this box if you need to conduct online screen sharing using either GoToMeeting or services during the event.

Enable photo sharing: (Optional) Check this box to allow event invitees to upload photos on the event page.

Allow Guests to send out invites: When this option is checked, event attendees who are network users can invite additional people to the event. This enables guests to extend invitations to others within the network, expanding the event's reach as needed.

Show the invitee list to everyone: (Optional) Check this box to allow all users with access to the event page to view the list of invitees.

Use case examples: Weekly team meetings, Departmental Status Updates, One-on-One Meetings, Project Review Meetings, Cross-functional Team Meetings, Operational Planning Meetings, Training or Development Meetings

Meetings of this type play a crucial role in enhancing organizational effectiveness, fostering collaboration, and driving alignment towards common goals. They serve as key forums for communication, decision-making, and building a cohesive work environment within the company.

Team Event

Typical uses of this event type involve organization of activities or gatherings designed to promote team bonding, collaboration, and morale within a specific team or department. These events are valuable for fostering a positive work culture and strengthening relationships among team members.

Along with the universal options, company event types include the additional options:

Type: Select whether the event will take place in person, via online meetup, or both. Depending on your selection, additional menu options will appear.

  • Online: If Online is selected, you will be prompted to enter in the meeting link or connect to a Microsoft Teams Meeting space. This option is required.

  • In Person: If this option is selected, you will be prompted to select a registered Resource within your company space. This selection is optional.

If the option Both is selected, then all additional menu options mentioned above will appear.

Resource: (Optional) Select a registered Resource within your company space.

Add Attendees: All members of the entered teams will be invited and can RSVP to the event.

Notification: (Optional) Enable this setting to automatically post a comment on your behalf in the event feed, notifying all event invitees at the specified time. This notification can be configured to appear in a number of minutes, hours, or days before the event's start time.

Add huddle/conferencing: (Optional) Check this box if you need to conduct online screen sharing using either GoToMeeting or services during the event.

Enable photo sharing: (Optional) Check this box to allow event invitees to upload photos on the event page.

Use case examples: Team Building Activities, Team Lunches or Dinners, Celebratory Events, Learning Workshops or Seminars, Volunteer Activities

These activities contribute to a supportive work environment, enhance collaboration, and ultimately improve team performance and satisfaction. Team members and managers play a critical role in organizing and facilitating these events to promote team engagement and overall organizational success.

Resource Reservation

Events of this type typically involve reserving shared resources or facilities within the organization for specific purposes. These reservations help optimize resource utilization, manage availability, and ensure smooth operations.

Use case examples: Meeting Room Reservations, Equipment Reservations, Company Vehicles or Transportation, Workspace Assignments, Facility Reservations for Events, Employee Amenities or Services

Resource reservation by users contributes to efficient workplace management, streamline operations, and enhance overall productivity within the organization. By overseeing resource utilization and availability, employees and management play a vital role in optimizing organizational resources and supporting day-to-day business activities.

In order for a resource to appear from the Resource look ahead field, it must be created from within the Resources menu in the Admin Portal. For information on configuring the Resource menu, click here.

If Resource Reservation has been toggled OFF in the Admin Portal, this event type will not appear as an option. However, all previously scheduled reservation events will still take place.

Last updated