Projects Tools
Feature rich workspaces allowing users to easily collaborate on projects online to get results
Last updated
Feature rich workspaces allowing users to easily collaborate on projects online to get results
Last updated
The Projects Module is a collaborative workspace or environment where teams can plan, organize, and manage tasks, activities, and resources related to a specific objective or initiative.
Within a Project, team members can communicate, share files and documents, assign tasks, set deadlines, track progress, and collaborate on various aspects of the project. It serves as a centralized hub for team collaboration, allowing members to work together across departments, streamline workflows, and achieve project goals efficiently. It offers features such as task management, timelines, document sharing, discussions, notifications, and reporting capabilities, all designed to enhance productivity and collaboration within project teams.
Search: Use the search function to find a project by entering relevant keywords. The search program will look for the input keyword in both the project title and its content.
Sort Project View: You can sort the view of all Projects based on categories. You have the option to sort them by All Categories, by Department, or by a specific Category.
Filter Project View: You can apply filters to the Project view to refine the displayed Projects. You have the option to filter Projects to show All Projects, Projects you belong to, Archived Projects, or Project Templates.
View: You can customize the arrangement of Projects in the menu view. Choose between Grid View or List View to display Projects based on your preference.
Sort By: Sort projects either alphabetically or by their latest activity. Additionally, you can further specify whether you want them to be sorted in ascending or descending order.
Manage Settings: This option provides you with additional viewing options and the ability to export your project email IDs.
Show/Hide Fields: This option enables you to customize the amount and type of details you see in project previews.
Export Project Email IDs: Export the names and email addresses of all your projects into a vCard or CSV file. This file can be imported into your email client and added to your contacts list.
Create a Project/Project Template: Admin only. For information on creating Projects, click here.
Pinned Projects: The shortcut menu displays any projects you have pinned for quick access.
Search within the Project: Use the search function to find specific content by entering relevant keywords.
Pin a Project: Pin a project to add it to a short list for easy reference.
Project Tools:
Add Network Users: Take advantage of this feature to add users from your network to the project. You can add multiple users at once.
Add Guest Users: With this option, you can invite Guest Users who are outside your network to join the project by providing their email addresses.
Get Share Link or Email: This option provides you with a shareable link to the project as well as the project's email address.
Your Notification Preferences: You can update your web and mobile push notification settings for the project according to your preferences.
Join Chat: Join the Project instant message group chat in MangoApps Messenger or through the web browser
Assign Categories: Specify the category or categories that the project belongs to. This selection will assist other users in locating the project when sorting the project view by category (See #2 in the section Module Toolbars and Menus).
Leave Project: Click on this option to leave a project that you have been added to. By leaving the project, you will no longer receive any further messages or notifications from it.
Project Quick Summaries: On the right-hand side of the project, you will find quick summary widgets based on the active Project Modules. Your Notification Preference, Project Summary, and Project Hashtags will always be displayed, even if no Project Modules are toggled as visible. Only administrators have the ability to select which Project Modules appear to everyone in the Project.
The following Project Modules have Quick Summary widgets:
Tasks - When toggled on, this Module will display a Project Health widget in the right hand Quick Summary widgets.
The health of a project will display as:
"-" : A majority of tasks have been completed or have not past their deadlines
At Risk: Some tasks are in danger of passing their deadline dates
Not on Track: A majority of tasks are overdue and past their deadlines
Members - When this module is toggled on, it will display two widgets in the Quick Summary section: Members and New Joinees. The Members widget will be divided further into two categories: Members of the network and Guest Users.
Left Hand Navigation - The left-hand navigation menu shows all the Project Modules that have been added by the project creator or an administrator. The administrator has the ability to change the order of the modules or toggle them off to display only a newsfeed for the project. For more information on Project Modules, click here.
Projects are similar to Groups, but Projects are intended to be used when there is a need to track tasks and progress towards the completion of an activity. Projects might be limited to members of a certain functional area, but are great for facilitating cross-functional collaboration. For example, rolling out a new tool that will require the IT, HR, and Facilities departments.