Hashtags Tools
Compile and find information easily
Last updated
Compile and find information easily
Last updated
Hashtags are a simple way of categorizing content in your domain into topics by using the hashtag symbol ‘#’ along with the topic or phrase and adding it to your post. For example:This is a great sales update! #SalesWin.Hashtags automatically turn the topic or phrase into clickable links in your post. Hashtags help your employees find content in your domain that matches the topic or phrase.
From the left-hand side menu, select Hashtags.
The Hasgtags screen shows you all hashtags on your site. The hashtags include Admin Defined and User Defined
'Admin Defined' hashtags are the ones that ship out of the box and any hashtags that are created by the domain admins to help your employees get value by finding related things quickly. These can only be deleted by an admin level user.
'User Defined' hashtags are the ones that are created by network users in your domain.
Guest users CANNOT create or follow hashtags.
Search for a specific hashtag
Filter which Categories are shown
Filter which Hashtag types are shown:
All Hashtags
Super Hashtags Only
Hashtags I Follow
Hashtags I Do Not Follow
Follow a Hashtag: Get notified as new posts, wikis, etc, are shared using a hashtag that you follow
View Details: See all items that have been associated with the selected hashtag
View Followers: View a list of all users who are following the hashtag
Edit: This option is NOT available for Admin defined hashtags
Delete: This option is NOT available for Admin defined hashtags. Deleting a hashtag only 'dis-associates' the hashtag from the content. It does not impact the content it was associated to.
To follow a hashtag from the Hashtags screen, click on the Three Dot Menu and select Follow Hashtag
Hashtags you follow will have a Star icon in the top right-hand corner in the field.
You should 'follow' the hashtag that is of interest to you and you will be notified in real time (across multiple platforms) when new content is tagged with it or existing content (already tagged) is modified
To View Details about a hashtag. Click on the Three Dot Menu and select View Details.
The screen shows you all items in the system that have been associated with the selected hashtag.
Any kind of content (updates, questions, polls, posts, wikis, files, pages, ideas, campaigns, events, teams, tasks, forms etc) in your domain can be tagged with a hashtag.
You can view who follows a hashtag by clicking on the Three Dot Menu and selecting View Followers
Only Network users can follow a hashtag.
Super Hashtags are designated by a different symbol. Super hashtags are a great way to differentiate best in class, authoritative or baselined content from the rest. Super Hashtags can be designated by admins to only be able to be used by selected users in the domain.
Easily add hashtags to you content. If there is not appropriate hashtag, you can create a hashtag, if your site admin has allowed that.
It is easy to create a hashtag.
In the desired content, type the desired hashtag in the field. If there is no hashtag with that name, there is a Create New Hashtag link. Clicking on the link with automatically create the hashtag and make it available to everyone in the system.
Are there any rules for naming a hashtag? Yes, a hashtag must be written as a single word, without any spaces. You can include numbers in a hashtag, but punctuation and special characters (like $ and %) are not allowed. You are allowed to user lowercase or uppercase characters in the hashtag and the case would be maintained. A hashtag needs to have a minimum of 3 characters when created by a user.
Can I search using a hashtag in the search bar? Yes you can search on any hashtag by typing in the search bar on any platform
Who Can Edit Hashtag Properties? Admin defined hashtags can be edited by network admins only. User defined hashtags can be edited by any user. Marking a hashtag as a super hashtag can only be done by network admins for both admin & user defined hashtags.
When I click on a hashtag, can I see all content in my domain that is tagged by that hashtag? When you click on a hashtag you get to see all the content that you have at-least ‘viewer privileges’ in your full domain.