News Feed Tools

Stay updated on projects, files, topics, and activities

Your newsfeed offers a comprehensive overview of the people, groups, projects, and departments that you follow. It ensures that you stay up to date and never miss any crucial updates or information. The News Feed can be fully customized to align with your workflow and preferences. This way, you can avoid important information getting lost amidst a flood of updates!


  1. Search in News Feed: This search box will only be visible if the advanced search option is enabled in News Feed Settings. Using this search bar, you can conduct a general search or search by the following parameters:

    • Posted by - Type in a name or email to search your feed for items posted by an individual.

    • Posted in team - Type in a team name to search for items posted within or by a specific team.

    • Date within - Search for items posted within a specific date range.

    • User mentioned - Type in a name or email to search your feed for items an individual is tagged or @mentioned in.

    • Content Type - Choose the desired content type to display from a dropdown menu.

    • Hashtagged with - Search your feed by content tagged wit ha specific hash tag

    • Search in - Search for content in your Unread items or in All Feeds.

    • Include comments/replies - Toggle on to include comments and replies in the search results when you enter a search term.

  2. Filter: Only available if you are using the Recommended setting for Newsfeeds. Your Newsfeed Module can be filtered by:

    • All - View all items. Content will be sorted according to the algorithm. For more information regarding the Recommended mode sorting algorithm, click here.

    • Unread only - This is the default filter for the News Feed. It only displays new, unread posts.

    • My Pinned Only - View only content you have pinned

    • I'm Mentioned Only - View only content where you have been @mentioned. This includes both content where you have been @mentioned in the main post and in the comments.

    • Feed or Comment I Posted - Shows only content you have posted

    • Archived Feeds Only - Displays content that has been archived and has surpassed the age timeframe for active feeds.

  3. Tools Dropdown: This dropdown menu provides a convenient way to swiftly clear your News Feed of content.

    • Refresh News Feed - This option provides a quick and convenient way to refresh the module, ensuring you have the latest updates at your fingertips.

    • Mark This Page As Read - This option marks everything on the page as read. This option works best with a configured Classic mode. Click here to learn more about configuring your News Feed settings.

    • Mark Everything As Read - This option marks all content in your News Feed as read.

    • Settings - This option will take you to your News Feed settings. Click here to learn more about configuring your News Feed settings.

  4. Share an Update: You can easily share an update by using the top text field in the News Feed Module or the Universal Compose Box located in the top right-hand corner. Updates are visible to your followers and the teams you belong to. They provide a convenient way to share information or ask questions without the hassle of CC-ing multiple individuals or teams.

    • Share with - Select whether you want the update to be visible to all of your followers or to a specific team. If you choose a team, you can also choose to CC additional teams or individuals if desired.

    • Share with - Use the dropdown menu to choose whether the update should be shared with All Members of the team, including guest users and those not following you, or restrict it to Network Users Only, so only those in your network may view it.

    • Read Receipt - Check this box if you wish to receive notifications when this update has been read by the recipients.

Comment Section

The comments section is an excellent tool for engaging with content in your network. You can use it to answer questions, seek clarification, share links, and more!

  • Add a Reaction: Simply hover over the "Add a Reaction" option, and a menu will appear with the available emoticon choices. On the right side of the "...More" menu, you can click on the emoticon tracker to view a list of people who reacted and see which emoticons each individual selected. Network administrators can configure up to 5 reaction emoticons from the Domain Portal.

  • Comment: This option allows you to show or hide the comment text box.

  • Pin it: Pin an update to easily access it at a later date or time. Pinned updates will appear in the Pinned tab in Classic mode and can be filtered in Recommended mode. You can also view your pinned items from your Profile dropdown.

  • Copy Link: Clicking this option will copy a link to the update to your clipboard.

  • Mark as Unread: Mark a post as unread to have it appear in your unread feed and unread filter option.

  • Set a Reminder: Generate a private calendar reminder using the information provided in the update. For detailed instructions on how to set reminders and utilize the calendar, click here.

  • Flag this Content: Alert administrators about content that does not fall within company guidelines and best practices.

  • Other Options will appear depending on the content of the update.

    • Archive: Admin only. Archiving a post will remove it from appearing on the active News Feed. Users can view archived content by selecting the Archived Feeds Only filter in Recommended mode.

    • Change Visibility: Admin only. Change whether All Group Members or Only Network Users can see an update.

    • Move Conversation: The conversation creator and admins have the option to move conversations to a group, project, or department. If there are no existing groups or projects available, you can also create a new group or project instantly.

    • Add to Calendar: Updates with RSVP events will have the option to add directly to your private Calendar

    • Add as Task: Some updates will have the option to be created as Tasks. For more information on Tasks, click here.

    • Add to Tracker: Some updates can be added to an existing Tracker. For more information on Trackers, click here.

    • Revote: Click this option to revote on any content that requires voting.

    • Delete: The update creator and admins have the ability to remove the update.

News Feed Settings

Configure your newsfeed settings to best suit your needs.

For any post on your newsfeed, you can click on the question mark icon. This will show you why the update is showing up on your newsfeed as well as provide a link to quickly access your Settings. You can also access your Settings from your Tools Dropdown menu.

The News Feed is available in 2 modes: Recommended mode and Classic mode.

Classic Mode

Classic mode offers a number of ways to configure your News Feed, including custom tabs to help keep your feed sorted.

  1. Primary vs. Secondary Feed: Configure what is on your Primary and Secondary tab. Click on Configure to select what type of content should appear on which tab.

    Easily sort your content by dragging and dropping News Feed content types to either the Primary or Secondary tab.

  2. Show "Primary and Secondary" Tabs in: Select if you want your Primary and Secondary tab to appear as two separate tabs or consolidated into a single tab. You also have the option to rename the tabs.

  3. Which feeds appear as Unread?: Select what feeds should have new posts appear as Unread. You can specify Primary or Primary and Secondary. If you select only Primary, all new items in your Secondary tab will automatically be marked as read.

  4. Enable Additional Tabs: This option allows you to toggle on additional tabs to appear at the top of your News Feed.

    • Enable Secondary Tab: Toggle on to enable the Secondary tab. If you disable the secondary tab, it will not appear on your newsfeed, even if you select to have your feeds display in two different tabs.

    • Enable Unread Tab: Select to enable an Unread tab. The unread tab will display all unread items with respect to the previous selection in the Which feeds appear as unread? dropdown.

    • Enable @Mentions Tab: This option will add a Mentions tab. The Mentions tab will display all content in which you or a team you are a part of have been @mentioned.

    • Enable Pinned Tab: This tab will display all content you have pinned.

  5. Tab Order: Configure the order of the tabs in your newsfeed.

  6. Show widgets column on News Feed: Enable this option to switch your feed into a two-column view. The second column can be customized to include widgets for quick access to the tools you frequently use.

  7. Select display order for comments: Choose whether you want the newest or oldest comments to appear first in the comment section.

  8. Select feed filtering option: Customize your News Feed by choosing additional filtering options to appear at the top.

    • Advanced Search Box: By enabling this option, a search box will be added to the top of your feed. You can enter keywords to perform a search specifically within the News Feed module.

    • My Teams List: Sort your feed to display content from only selected teams.

    • None: Disable this filtering option.

  9. Auto mark as read on scroll: As you scroll through your feed, items will be automatically marked as read. However, Posts will only be marked as read once you click on them.

The Recommended Mode streamlines your News Feed, consolidating everything into a single, convenient place. You can enhance your experience by customizing the layout with additional tools, or you can keep it simple and rely on the algorithm to curate the content for you. Check out the FAQ for more information on how the algorithm sorts your content.

  1. Show widgets column on News Feed: Enable this option to switch your feed into a two-column view. The second column can be customized to include widgets for quick access to the tools you frequently use.

  2. Select display order for comments: Choose whether you want the newest or oldest comments to appear first in the comment section.

  3. Select feed filtering option: Customize your News Feed by choosing additional filtering options to appear at the top.

    • Advanced Search Box: By enabling this option, a search box will be added to the top of your feed. You can enter keywords to perform a search specifically within the News Feed module.

    • My Teams List: Only available in Classic Mode.

    • None: Disable this filtering option.

  4. Auto mark as read on scroll: As you scroll through your feed, items will be automatically marked as read. However, Posts will only be marked as read once you click on them.


What decides the order of items in my newsfeed?

In Classic mode, the newsfeed displays items in strict chronological order. However, in Recommended mode, an algorithm determines the order in which items appear at the top of your newsfeed. The priority ranking is as follows, with 1 being the highest priority and appearing at the top of your newsfeed:

  1. Posts and status updates that require acknowledgment but haven't been acknowledged by the user, limited to the last seven days

  2. Must-read and announcement posts that haven't been opened by the user, limited to the last seven days

  3. Company events, team events, custom events, and meetings that the user has been invited to but hasn't RSVP'd for yet, limited to events whose end date hasn't passed

  4. Mandatory surveys that the user is in the audience for but hasn't taken yet, limited to surveys whose end date (if set) hasn't passed up to the last seven days

  5. Unread feeds that mention the user, including mentions in comments or replies

  6. Unread comments and replies on feeds that the user has created

  7. Unread feeds in which the user has commented or replied

  8. All other unread feeds, ordered by recently updated on top

  9. All other feeds, ordered by recently updated on top

Once a user marks a feed as read, it remains in its original position. Refresh the page to update the order of items in the newsfeed.

When Should I Use The Update Feature?

Updates should be used to share basic information quickly within a team. Most often, updates (and questions) will be used in your support projects to communicate with your TAMs. With updates, no formatting of the content is required, which makes the information easy to digest. Users can quickly read the update from their news feed, add a reaction, reply, acknowledge and move on.

Updates are better for short term content since they:

  • Can only be viewed from the news feed

  • Do not have formatting or rich content options

  • Do not have analytics

  • Can be read by users without having to click to open

  • Allow for comments and replies to be added easily

  • Allow for reactions to be added easily

  • Are unable to be saved as drafts or scheduled Updates

Use-Cases for Updates include:

  • Status updates (e.g. a quick meeting summary or informing your team that you are taking a sick day)

  • Questions for teams

  • Sales wins

  • Quick reminders (e.g. "grab a free slice of pizza in the break room!")

Last updated