News Feed Tools

Stay updated on projects, files, topics, and activities


The Newsfeed is a designed to help users stay updated on the activities of the people, groups, projects, and departments that they follow. It provides a comprehensive overview, ensuring that no critical updates or information are missed. The Newsfeed is customizable to fit any workflow, making it easy to prioritize the information that matters most.

Customization and Navigation

Customize your Newsfeed to suit your preferences and avoid information overload by using the following tools:

Search in Newsfeed

The search bar in your Newsfeed allows for a powerful and targeted search. This feature is only visible if the advanced search option is enabled in your Newsfeed settings.

Filter your search using the following parameters:

  • Posted by: Enter a name or email to search for items posted by a specific individual.

  • Posted in team: Search for posts within or by a specific team by entering the team’s name.

  • Date within: Narrow down your search by specifying a date range.

  • User mentioned: Find posts where an individual has been tagged or @mentioned by entering their name or email.

  • Content Type: Select the type of content you want to display from a dropdown menu.

  • Hashtagged with: Search for content tagged with a specific hashtag.

  • Search in: Choose to search within your unread items or across all feeds.

  • Include comments/replies: Toggle this option on to include comments and replies in your search results.


If you are using the Recommended setting for your Newsfeed, you can apply filters to view content according to your preferences.

Choose an option from the dropdown menu:

  • All: View all content, sorted according to the algorithm.

  • Unread only: This default filter only shows new, unread posts.

  • My Pinned Only: Displays only the content you have pinned.

  • I'm Mentioned Only: Shows only content where you have been @mentioned, whether in the main post or in the comments.

  • Feed or Comment I Posted: Displays only the content you have posted.

  • Archived Feeds Only: View content that has been archived, which has surpassed the active feed timeframe.

Tools Dropdown

The Tools dropdown menu provides quick access to several useful actions for managing your Newsfeed.

Choose an option from the dropdown menu:

  • Refresh News Feed: Refreshes the module to display the latest updates.

  • Mark This Page as Read: Marks all content on the current page as read. This option works best with a configured Classic mode.

  • Mark Everything as Read: Marks all content in your Newsfeed as read.

  • Settings: Takes you to your Newsfeed settings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What decides the order of items in my Newsfeed?

The order of items in your Newsfeed depends on the mode you have selected:

  • Classic mode: Displays items in strict chronological order.

  • Recommended mode: Uses an algorithm to determine the order of items. The priority ranking is as follows (1 being the highest priority):

    1. Posts and status updates requiring acknowledgment, limited to the last seven days.

    2. Must-read and announcement posts that haven't been opened, limited to the last seven days.

    3. Company, team, and custom events, as well as meetings that the user has been invited to but hasn't RSVP'd to yet, limited to events whose end date hasn't passed.

    4. Mandatory surveys the user hasn't taken yet, limited to surveys whose end date (if set) hasn't passed and those from the last seven days.

    5. Unread feeds that mention the user, including mentions in comments or replies.

    6. Unread comments and replies on feeds created by the user.

    7. Unread feeds where the user has commented or replied.

    8. All other unread feeds, with the most recently updated appearing on top.

    9. All other feeds, sorted by the most recent updates.

Once you mark a feed as read, it stays in its original position. To update the order of items in your Newsfeed, refresh the page.

The Newsfeed is a powerful, customizable tool that helps you stay on top of important updates and information from the people, groups, and projects you follow. By using the search, filters, and tools effectively, you can streamline your workflow and ensure that you never miss out on what’s most important to you.

Last updated