Libraries Tools
Find the items and information you need without stress.
Libraries app in MangoApps allows you to easily search for and access company files, forms, documents, and more. With Libraries, you don't have to waste time searching and can spend more time on what matters.
To access Libraries, select Libraries from the left-hand side navigation bar.
Search for a desired file
See all available Libraries. Click on the down arrow to expand a library and see its various categories
Items: This column houses all the files, forms, documents, etc. that have been added to the selected category in the library. To access an item, simply click on it.
Expand/Minimize: Expanding the list (like in the image) shows the item description. Minimizing the list will hide the description.
Three dot menu: This menu provides you with a Copy Link. This provides you with direct access to the item. If you use this link, you will still need to be logged into the system in order to see the item.
Networks cannot upload, delete, or edit library items unless given permission by the network admin.
Last updated