Series Campaigns


In today's digital landscape, creating engaging and personalized communication journeys for employees is crucial for internal communications, HR, and L&D teams. Series-based campaigns offer a dynamic and automated approach to crafting customized employee experiences at scale. This guide will provide comprehensive steps for creating, sending, and automating series campaigns within your organization's communication platform.

Access the Series Campaign Dashboard from the Campaigns module by selecting the Series tab.

This tab can only be accessed by admin users. If you believe you should have access, please contact your domain administrator.

Series Campaign Dashboard

On this dashboard, you'll find essential details such as title, status, category, owner, last updated, and at-a-glance campaign performance information for all series campaigns.

Click the 3-Dot action menu for additional menu options related to the selected series:

Edit/Edit Info: Edit the campaign details; Title, Category, Owner.

View Log: View the campaign log to see the historical activity of edits and status changes for the selected series campaign.

Simulate a Run: Series campaigns offer a simulation feature, enabling each step to be executed consecutively without waiting for the scheduled day or time to occur. This allows the campaign creator to review the Email/SMS/Private Message in advance.

Duplicate: Duplicate the selected campaign.

Pause: (Published Campaign only) All active steps will pause and no further messages will be sent from the Campaign.

Archive/Unarchive: (Published Campaign only) Archiving a campaign will unenroll all the users who are with the status of 'In Progress' in the campaign. No new users can be enrolled either manually or via the automation rule and no changes can be made after the campaign has been archived.

Un-archiving a campaign will change it's status to 'Active' and new users will be able to be enrolled. Existing users in un-enrolled status will not be impacted and must be re-enrolled from the Recipients tab.

Delete: Delete the selected campaign. Once the campaign has been deleted it cannot be recovered. To avoid permanent data loss, we recommend Archiving the series instead.

Creating a New Series Campaign

Series campaigns enable companies to create cohesive communication journeys, guiding employees through a structured flow of information and actions, ultimately contributing to a more informed and engaged workforce. Additionally, automation streamlines the delivery process, ensuring timely communication without manual intervention, thus optimizing resources and efficiency.

With that in mind, the creation steps for series campaigns are more involved than a simple Single Send campaign. This guide will walk you through the following steps to successfully implement an automated series campaign:

  • Initial naming and categorization

  • Steps Setup

  • Adding Recipients and Recipient Automation

  • Series Insights

To get started, click the Create New button in the top right corner of the screen and select Series from the dropdown menu.

Similar to Single Send campaigns, fill in the campaign Title, select the campaign Category, and choose the Owner who will be responsible once the campaign is published.

Steps Setup

Add steps to the campaign to structure the communication journey. The steps of a series campaign comprise multiple single send campaigns, which will automatically send based on the configured relationship to previous steps or based on a certain timeframe.

Once a campaign has been added to a step (only one campaign can be created per step), customize the timing for each step to control the communication cadence. Steps within the sequence can only be delayed up to 30 days from the previous step.

For a campaign that is in Active status and Send immediately is selected, the message will be sent to the enrolled users at the configured time. For a campaign that is in Active status and Send after is selected, the message will be sent to the enrolled users at the configured time after the configured days have elapsed.

Utilize tools from the 3-Dot action menu at each step to move, duplicate, or remove steps as needed.

Confirm the details of each step then choose to Publish Now or Schedule the series campaign for a future date and time.

Selecting Publish Now will not immediately begin sending campaign messages. Publishing the series will change its status from Draft to Active and will trigger at the designated time for the first step.

Managing Recipients

From the Recipients tab, you can gain view the status, completion stage, enrollment date and additional details of enrolled users.

3-Dot Action Menu

From the 3-Dot action menu next to a user's entry, you can unenroll or re-enroll users as necessary, and also access detailed progress logs for each enrolled user.


Click the Add Recipients button along the top of the dashboard to add recipients manually or via automation triggers.

Select the Manually option to access the bulk add menu. From this menu, you can manually select users individually or upload a list of users via CSV import.

Select the via Automation option to access the enrollment automations menu.

Toggle this option ON to configure a trigger time, entry criteria, and exit criteria determination for user enrollment.

The trigger specified here will run a check according to set cadence for all users matching the Entry Criteria. When a match is made, the user will auto-enroll as a recipient.

From the entry criteria field, you can set up filters to automatically enroll users based on predefined criteria. For all criterion selected, the AND logical function will occur. For example, If the criteria selected are Date of Joining Was in the last: 7 days and Location: Ottawa, in order for the enrollment process to occur, a user must BOTH have a joining date in the system of within the last 7 days AND must be registered as part of the Ottawa location.

The Team Join Date filter uses the join date generated in the Member from column within the selected team, rather than information found in the user's full profile.

You have the option to also include an additional exit condition for the series. Toggle the option ON to remove an enrolled user from the series if they no longer meet the entry criteria.

Separate from the above condition toggle, the following conditions act as exit criteria:

  • User self-unenrolls (user status = unenrolled)

  • Admin manually unenrolls them (user status = unenrolled)

  • Campaign is archived (user status = unenrolled)

  • All messages in the campaign are sent (user status = finished)

  • Message delivery fails on any channel (user status = error)

  • Automation exit criteria is enabled and entry criteria are no longer met (user status = unenrolled)

By leveraging series campaigns, internal communication teams can streamline and personalize employee communication journeys, enhancing engagement and fostering a cohesive digital workplace experience.

Last updated