Newsfeed Settings


Configure your newsfeed settings to best suit your needs.

For any post on your newsfeed, you can click on the question mark icon. This will show you why the update is showing up on your newsfeed as well as provide a link to quickly access your Settings. You can also access your Settings from your Tools Dropdown menu.

The News Feed is available in 2 modes: Recommended mode and Classic mode.

Classic Mode

Classic mode offers a number of ways to configure your News Feed, including custom tabs to help keep your feed sorted.

  1. Primary vs. Secondary Feed: Configure what is on your Primary and Secondary tab. Click on Configure to select what type of content should appear on which tab.

    Easily sort your content by dragging and dropping News Feed content types to either the Primary or Secondary tab.

  2. Show "Primary and Secondary" Tabs in: Select if you want your Primary and Secondary tab to appear as two separate tabs or consolidated into a single tab. You also have the option to rename the tabs.

  3. Which feeds appear as Unread?: Select what feeds should have new posts appear as Unread. You can specify Primary or Primary and Secondary. If you select only Primary, all new items in your Secondary tab will automatically be marked as read.

  4. Enable Additional Tabs: This option allows you to toggle on additional tabs to appear at the top of your News Feed.

    • Enable Secondary Tab: Toggle on to enable the Secondary tab. If you disable the secondary tab, it will not appear on your newsfeed, even if you select to have your feeds display in two different tabs.

    • Enable Unread Tab: Select to enable an Unread tab. The unread tab will display all unread items with respect to the previous selection in the Which feeds appear as unread? dropdown.

    • Enable @Mentions Tab: This option will add a Mentions tab. The Mentions tab will display all content in which you or a team you are a part of have been @mentioned.

    • Enable Pinned Tab: This tab will display all content you have pinned.

  5. Tab Order: Configure the order of the tabs in your newsfeed.

  6. Show widgets column on News Feed: Enable this option to switch your feed into a two-column view. The second column can be customized to include widgets for quick access to the tools you frequently use.

  7. Select display order for comments: Choose whether you want the newest or oldest comments to appear first in the comment section.

  8. Select feed filtering option: Customize your News Feed by choosing additional filtering options to appear at the top.

    • Advanced Search Box: By enabling this option, a search box will be added to the top of your feed. You can enter keywords to perform a search specifically within the News Feed module.

    • My Teams List: Sort your feed to display content from only selected teams.

    • None: Disable this filtering option.

  9. Auto mark as read on scroll: As you scroll through your feed, items will be automatically marked as read. However, Posts will only be marked as read once you click on them.

The Recommended Mode streamlines your News Feed, consolidating everything into a single, convenient place. You can enhance your experience by customizing the layout with additional tools, or you can keep it simple and rely on the algorithm to curate the content for you. Check out the FAQ for more information on how the algorithm sorts your content.

  1. Show widgets column on News Feed: Enable this option to switch your feed into a two-column view. The second column can be customized to include widgets for quick access to the tools you frequently use.

  2. Select display order for comments: Choose whether you want the newest or oldest comments to appear first in the comment section.

  3. Select feed filtering option: Customize your News Feed by choosing additional filtering options to appear at the top.

    • Advanced Search Box: By enabling this option, a search box will be added to the top of your feed. You can enter keywords to perform a search specifically within the News Feed module.

    • My Teams List: Only available in Classic Mode.

    • None: Disable this filtering option.

  4. Auto mark as read on scroll: As you scroll through your feed, items will be automatically marked as read. However, Posts will only be marked as read once you click on them.

Last updated