Edit a Form

After a form has been created, you will have additional edit options.

Click Edit Form to get started.

Clicking the Edit Form button will bring up the edit menu.

The edit menu allows you to further customize the form. On the left side of the menu, you will find options to enable a color background behind the form and the ability to add an image or logo to the header. The recommended image size is 600x200px. Both of these features are optional and by default will be toggled off.

Choose the style of the form:

Classic - Classic style shows your image/logo, title, and description on the top of the page, and the form below it. The color, when enabled, will be shown in the background of the form. The color is determined based on the color chosen for the tracker upon initial creation. This style is best when embedding the form in a website. Modern - Modern style shows your image/logo, color, title, and description on the left side of the screen and your form on the right. Use this style when you have a long form description, want your description to remain visible while scrolling through the form, or have the form pop out to a full website for your users.


Remove entry fields from the form by dragging and dropping them into the Fields space to the left of the form. It's important to note that hiding fields on the form only affects the form's visibility; the fields will still be visible on your tracker.

If new columns are added to the tracker after the form is created, the columns will automatically appear in the Fields drag-and-drop bank. To incorporate these new columns into the existing form, simply return to the edit form menu and drag and drop the new columns as needed.

Columns added by the system to a tracker, will not populate in a form (Submitted By, Submitted Date, Last Modified By, Last Modified Date, Submitted By ID)

Along the right side of the editor, you will find a preview of your form as well as the following options:

Field Preview - Rearrange fields in the form by dragging and dropping them. Click on a field to edit its title and description. Additionally, you can toggle whether the field requires an entry or not.

Submit Action - This section allows you to customize the submit button. Change its color, size, alignment, and even change what text is shown on the button.

On Form Submission - This section allows you to customize the confirmation message shown to users upon form submission. After the user closes the above confirmation dialog box, they will be re-directed to the URL provided here in a new browser window.

Use the rule builder to configure condition based messages.

Confirmation Message - Customize the message displayed to users upon form submission. Once the user closes the confirmation dialog box, they will be redirected to the specified URL (if any) in a new browser window.

If the confirmation message toggle is ON in the Rule Builder, the confirmation message will be displayed. If the toggle is OFF, the message tab in the rule builder will be hidden, users won't be able to see it or access it, and no confirmation message will be sent.

The default for the toggle is ON.

Message to Submitter - Automate the sending of a private message to the submitter containing a copy of the data they submitted. If email notification is enabled, the submitter will also receive a copy of the submitted data via email.

Limit Submission - Set the maximum number of new submissions allowed per user within the configured time period (day, week, month, quarter, year) using this form. This limit does not apply to the 'Add new entry' action on the tracker or entries submitted via other forms.

Click on Save Form to complete changes.

Last updated