Posts Module
Share news, announcements, and updates
Last updated
Share news, announcements, and updates
Last updated
Posts encompass various forms of content such as blog posts, company memos, newsletters, and weekly updates, among others. They are a convenient alternative to traditional means of communication like mass emails, printed flyers, and internal mail, as they are easier to create, share, and reach employees regardless of their location. Moreover, the digital nature of these posts inherently fosters employee engagement through social actions like commenting, reacting, sharing, and analyzing post analytics.
In this guide, we will discuss the Posts Toolbar, Post Widget, Types of Posts, and the steps you will take in creating your very own Post.
Don't see this module? It may be disabled from the Admin Portal under Modules.
Access various menus from the top and side toolbars. These include changing the layout view, sorting posts to display the most relevant ones, managing your subscription preferences, and creating new posts.
Admin users will have additional tools.
Select the desired post filter from the left hand menu to determine which posts are displayed.
All - Shows all posts
Announcement - Shows only those posts which have been marked as 'Announcement'.
Must Read - Shows only those posts that have been marked as 'Must Read' by teams and companies.
My Pinned - Shows only those posts that you have pinned.
Browse by Category - Click on the desired category to view the posts that are tagged with that specific category.
Admins and those with Post creating permissions will have the additional Filter options:
Drafts - View all of your drafted, but unpublished, Posts. Admins can view all drafts.
Scheduled - Shows all Posts which you have scheduled. Admins can view all Scheduled Posts.
Archived - Admin Only. View all archived posts, regardless of creator.
Choose how you would like posts sorted within the module.
Most Recent First: Sort all posts by creation time. The most recently published posts are displayed first in the list.
Most Liked First: Sort all posts by the reactions received on the post via the 'Add a Reaction' option. The posts with the most reactions are displayed first in the list.
Most Viewed First: Sort all posts by the total views. The posts with the most views are displayed first in the list.
By Admin Set Order: Sort all posts as per the order defined by the network/team admin for posts. Network admins/intranet admins can set this order using the Set Order for the Post option within the module.
Click the Subscribe option from the Tools dropdown menu to open the Subscribe pop-up menu.
This option allows you to subscribe to voice-enabled posts. In Step 2: Select Channel, you can choose to subscribe via the Apple Podcasts service or an RSS feed.
Click to create a post, view drafts, or schedule a post
New Post - Click on the New Post option to display the Share A Post pop-up and create a new post. For information on creating a post, click here.
View Post Drafts - Click the View Post Drafts option to display the Posts That Have Draft Versions pop-up and view all your posts saved as drafts. You can choose to Edit, Publish, Duplicate, Delete, Copy a Share Link to, and Send a Review of the draft version of posts.
While, normally, drafts are only visible to the user, draft posts saved by domain/intranet admins are visible to other domain/intranet admins.
View Scheduled Posts - Click the View Scheduled Posts option to display the Posts That Have Been Scheduled pop-up and view all your posts that you have scheduled to be published.
Network admin/intranet admin only. You have the options to Publish, Edit, Discard, and Review scheduled posts. When you click the Publish button for a scheduled post, it will be immediately published to the team, regardless of the original date and time set for publishing. Additionally, you can click on the Copy Link option to share a link to the scheduled post with your team members. However, when non-authorized users attempt to access the post through the shared link, they will see a message indicating that the post has not yet been published.
Sending a post for review will not prevent the post from publishing at it's scheduled time. However, the editor can select a new schedule date for publishing.
Network admin/intranet admin only. Manage posts settings, categories, and Module settings.
Manage Settings
Within these settings, admin users can configure allowable interactions for posts. For instance, they can set the option to allow a comment section on company posts, show a widget with posts of note, and set auto-expire rules.
Show view count/acknowledge count on post - When the setting is checked, anyone who can view the post will be able to see the number of users who have viewed it. For posts that require acknowledgement, the count of users who have acknowledged the post will be visible to everyone who sees it.
Allow comments on company posts - Checking this setting enables 2-way communication on posts; allowing users to post comments, ask questions, and share feedback.
Show posts from all public teams - Check this setting to show posts from public teams even if the user isn’t a member. Uncheck the settings to show posts from teams the user belongs to only.
Show a widget that includes - Enable this setting to add a slider view widget that includes important announcements and/or required reading materials.
Show a widget which consolidates all podcasts - Check this setting to add a widget that consolidates all voice enabled posts into a list.
Allow posts to be subscribed on external apps - This setting allows users to add voice enabled posts to the Apple podcast app or RSS.
Allow sending SMS for Boost Post & Post Alert - Enable this setting to allow post alerts and boost notifications to be sent out over SMS
Auto-expire must-read/announcement posts after _ Days - By enabling this setting, you can set the duration, in terms of days, for a must-read or announcement post to automatically expire. Once the specified time has passed, the post will no longer be labeled as a must-read or announcement, but it will still exist as a regular post.
Click this option to be taken to the Manage Categories pop-up menu. From this menu, you can create or edit tag categories for posts within the network. Hover over a category for additional options. Categories allow your post to be easily searched for and sorted within the Posts module.
Edit Category - Edit the name of the existing category and assign/change the parent category.
Delete - Delete the category.
This option will take you to the Modules settings within the Admin Portal. Network admins can change the system default label and other domain-wide settings of the Posts module. For information on setting up the Posts module, click here.