Ideas & Campaigns Tools
Share ideas and create idea campaigns with your entire company
Ideas in MangoApps makes it easy to innovate and collaborate.
Idea Box
To view all ideas, click on Ideas from the left-hand side menu.
Search for an idea
Filter what ideas are Shown:
All ideas
Ideas created by you
Filter by Status:
Any status
Under consideration
Converted to projects
Order by:
Create Date
Most Votes
Post an Idea
Title of Idea
Relevant- Clicking on it will change order of list by ideas that are open for voting and number of affirmative votes
Visibility- Who the idea is visible to
Status- Current status of the idea. Admins can change the status of an idea
Three Dot Menu
View Idea Details for the selected idea
Post a Comment on the selected idea
Create an Idea
To post an idea, click on Ideas. Then, click on Post an Idea in the upper right-hand side of the screen.
Input a Title for your idea
Associated the idea with a Team. Teams can be a project, group, department, or opportunity name
Input a Description for your idea. Your description should be as thorough as possible
If you believe that your idea is patentable, check the box
If applicable, select an Idea Campaign to associated your idea with
Assign Hashtags to your idea. Hashtags make your ideas easy to search for and find
Attach any applicable files
Cancel the creation of the idea, Preview the idea, or Share the Idea with colleagues
Idea Tools
Once you submit an idea, you have tools available to you.
Get an Idea Link to easily share your idea with others
Share Idea via a Private Message or link
Add a Task to the Idea.
Create a Project from Idea This is typically done when it is decide to out an idea into action
Three Dot Menu
Edit the idea
Delete the idea
Move to Idea Campaign
If you select to move an idea to an Idea Campaign, you will be prompted to select the appropriate campaign from the dropdown menu.
Idea Campaigns
Idea Campaign List
Idea Campaigns help drive idea development by giving an avenue for collecting multiple ideas for a topic.
From the Ideas page, click on Campaigns.
Search for an Idea Campaign
Filter what idea campaigns are Shown:
All Idea Campaigns
Idea Campaigns created by you
Filter by Status:
Campaigns by any status
Open Campaigns
Closed Campaigns
Create a Campaign
Title of Campaign
Visibility of Campaign
Total Number of Views
Total Number of Ideas submitted for an Idea Campaign
Status of Idea Campaign
Three Dot Menu
View Campaign Details about the selected campaign
View All Ideas associated with the campaign
Submit an Idea to the selected campaign.
If a campaign is Close, you can no longer submit ideas to be associated with the campaign.
Create an Idea Campaign
To create an Idea Campaign, from the Ideas screen, select Campaigns. Then, click on Create a Campaign.
Title your Idea Campaign
Associate your Campaign with a Team. A team can be a project, group, department, or opportunity
Provide a Description for your campaign
Provide a Start Date for your campaign
Provide an End Date
Designate a Campaign Manager. By default, if you create a campaign, you are made the Campaign Manager
Assign Hashtags to your Idea Campaign. Hashtags make finding and searching for your Idea Campaigns easy
Attach any applicable files
Cancel, Preview, or Create Campaign
Campaign Tools
Once you create an Idea Campaign, you have tools available to you.
Submit a New Idea associated with the Idea Campaign
Add Existing Ideas to the Idea Campaign
Share Campaign via Direct Message or link
If you select to Add Existing Ideas to the campaign, you will be prompted to search for the Idea to add.
Three Dot Menu
Edit Details and Campaign Managers for the Idea Campaign
Close Campaign- Closed campaigns are still visible, but will not accept further ideas
Export Campaign and Idea Details: Export will download 2 files:
A xls file which will have all ideas within campaign and its details.
A zip file with all the attachments in the campaign & it's ideas. (when present)
Delete Campaign Only the Campaign Manager or an Admin can delete an Idea Campaign
See the top idea contributors and ideas at your company
Top 10 Contributors of ideas. Clicking on a contributor will display their submitted ideas.
Top 10 Ideas as voted on by colleagues. Click on an idea will take you to that idea in the system.
Show by:
Last 1 year
Last 6 months
Last 3 months
This month
This week
Creating an Idea and Idea Campaign from Compose Button
Create Ideas
Select if you want to share the idea with a Team or All Your Followers. A Team is a Project, Group, Department, or Opportunity
Title your idea
Provide a Description for your Idea
If you believe the idea is patentable, click the toggle
If applicable, select an Idea Campaign to associate the idea with
Assign hashtags to the idea. Hashtags make searching and finding ideas easy
Attach any applicable files
Click Share to create and make your idea available
Idea Campaigns
Title your Idea Campaign
Associate your Campaign with a Team. A team can be a project, group, department, or opportunity
Provide a Description for your campaign
Provide a Start Date for your campaign
Provide an End Date
Designate a Campaign Manager. By default, if you create a campaign, you are made the Campaign Manager
Assign Hashtags to your Idea Campaign. Hashtags make finding and searching for your Idea Campaigns easy
Attach any applicable files
Cancel, Preview, or Create Campaign
Working with Ideas
Voting on an Idea
To vote on an idea. click the Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down
Once you vote on an idea, your vote is added to the tally. You are unable to change your vote.
You can also see how other people voted on an idea.
Click on the idea to view its details. Then, from the right-hand side of the screen, you can see total number of Yes and No votes you can also see how you vote.
To see who voted a certain why, click on vote type.
A pop-up will appear displaying who vote on the vote type you selected.
Commenting On an Idea
It is easy to add comments to ideas. From the Ideas screen, click an idea you want to comment on.
Then, type in your comment and click on Comment.Everyone within your MangoApps Domain can comment on your idea.
Viewing Changes
As changes are made to ideas, it is easy to see them.
From the Idea, click on the Changes tab. You can see votes that are added and if changes were made to the idea details.
Last updated