Creating a Tracker Workflow

Workflows can be created to trigger a feedback form to be sent to users on a specific date, time, and/or on a specific cadence. Follow these steps in order to setup your automation workflow. Click on the Workflows dropdown from the Tracker menu to begin.

Choose the type of workflow you would like to create using the following templates:

Blank Workflow - Create a new workflow from scratch

Approval Workflow - This template provides a framework for approval requests to designated approvers. For information on creating this workflow, click here.

Inform Workflow - This template provides the framework for the "Send Message" action. Recipients do NOT need to have access to the tracker.

Publish Workflow - This templates provides the framework for publishing posts to teams based on content within the tracker. Click here for information on creating this workflow.

Schedule Workflow - This template provides the framework for scheduling an action based on a selected trigger time.

After selecting your workflow template, you will move on to setup and define your workflow conditions.

  • Entry is added includes a new row created in the tracker either via a form, api or moved from another tracker.

  • Entry is changed includes an existing row of the tracker being modified by a user, api or another automation rule.

At the set scheduled time the trigger will execute the action that’s configured, if the optional condition set evaluates to be true.

For this walkthrough, we will be creating a workflow for an Employee Confidence Feedback tracker.

Our Sales Director, Alfred, would like to create a pop-up that prompts users within his team to fill out a Confidence Feedback form once a day when they log in for work.

Here is how he will proceed:

Workflow Title - Required. Create a title for your workflow up to 100 characters.

Set your Trigger - From the dropdown menu, we will select "At a scheduled time". Depending on your selection from the dropdown menu, additional options may appear. In this case, we are prompted to choose a cadence for when we would like the workflow to trigger based on user login/access. Since Alfred would like this to happen everyday, we choose just that.

Set your Condition (Optional) - Now with our trigger set, we can decide if we would like to further define our workflow with additional conditions. For this example, we do not need to set a condition as our trigger fully encompasses the cadence we would like for our workflow to trigger.

However, if Alfred wished to send this form to only users within his department that were also part of the New Employees user segment, he would want to make use of this section. To make this additional condition, first we will click "Add a condition". Then we designate the user segment "Sales". Since only one user segment can be entered at a time, we will click "Add another condition" and add the user segment "New Employee". By default, the conditional operator "OR" will be selected, click on it to change it to "AND".

Set your Action - Required. Now that we have our Trigger and option conditions set up, we can set the action we would like to have happen as a result of the conditional logic above. Depending on your selection from the dropdown menu and the chosen trigger condition, additional options may appear.

For this example, we will choose "Send Form". This option will populate additional menu actions allowing us to choose the form we wish to send from a dropdown of available forms created in the tracker. We will also be able to choose whether the form is sent as a message or as a pop-up. This choice will also populate an additional menu options:

Pop up while using App - User will be prompted to fill the form when they are in the web portal or mobile app. Use this mode for scenarios where you want the user to be interrupted while they are in the app and their input collected right away. This setting also includes and option to allow users to "Skip Pop Up" and bypass the submission process. Send via message - User will be send a private message with the link to the form. If email notification is on, user will be notified on their email as well. Use this mode for scenarios where you don’t want the user to be interrupted and the input can be provided later.

Click Save and our workflow has been set up!

You can now see the workflow under the Manage Workflows menu.

Manage Workflow

From this menu, you can see and access all active and inactive workflows created for the tracker.

Re-order the workflow instances by clicking and dragging. Workflows will activate in a top-down order, only triggering when their conditions are met.

The same trigger condition can not be used for multiple workflows. In this case the workflow closest to the top will trigger.

Click the 3-dot menu next to each workflow to Edit, Duplicate, or Delete workflows.

Toggle workflows on or off with the toggle button.

Automation Logs

These logs track the date and time of workflow executions as well as changes made to workflows. Click the top of each column to sort entries by their date and time.

The Execution Log tracks when each workflow rule takes action. The log will also note the action the rule executed. When there are multiple approvers required by the workflow, each approver’s action and comments will be available in the activity tab.

The Change Log keeps track of the creation, deletion, activation, de-activation, and edit events for each workflow.

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