
MangoApps Greetings create a happy and inclusive work environment with celebrations for every occasion. From employee birthdays to major holidays, greetings are a great way for users to celebrate and share together.‍


Celebrate Milestones & Share Meaningful Moments

Give colleagues an opportunity to interact and send best wishes to each other to celebrate milestones.

  • Build brand loyalty and share company pride with custom greetings

  • Remember important dates for everyone in the office with milestone notifications

  • Acknowledge meaningful moments with personalized greetings for every occasion

100+ Greeting Templates

Select from over 100 greetings organized into categories. Categories range from birthdays, holidays, marriage, birth, well wishes, and more.

Automated Reminders For Milestones

Important occasions such as birthdays and workplace anniversaries are automatically fed into every user’s notifications, prompting them to send a greeting for the occasion.

Company-Branded Greetings

Allow employees to spread company joy in their greetings by creating custom greetings with images & text that are company branded.

Greetings On The Go

With the mobile app, a user can interact with colleagues and send best wishes to each other no matter where they are.

MangoApps Calendar

Keep employees up to date on milestone events such as birthdays, holidays, and company events that seamlessly integrate with the user’s MangoApps calendar.

Last updated