Task Progression

Users can access assigned tasks by referring to the project which the task was assigned or by navigating to the Tasks Module.

Select the task you wish to start and the details will appear along the right hand side of the screen.

This detail page includes information regarding the task objective, any related checklists, a summary of the type and priority of the task, related milestone and team, along with other related information.

From the details page, users will also be able to check activity for the task by clicking on the Comments tab. Users can leave comments on tasks for which they have visibility. The system will automatically add a comment when a task is delivered by the user and then again when the delivered task has been accepted as complete by the task approver.

The three dot menu to the right of the comments tab allows the assigned user to set a reminder via the Set A Reminder pop-up menu or copy a link to the task. Users attempting to access a project task via this link MUST be a member of the project to which the task has been assigned. Similarly, if the task is a User Task, the task visibility must be configured to everyone in network.

To complete a task, click on the Finish button which appears to the right of the comments tab.

The Finish pop-up menu will appear. Task creators can require proof of completion be attached when creating a task. Otherwise, the user can add comments to be shared with the task approver.

Finishing a task will automatically mark open checklist items as complete. The task approver will then be notified that the task has been delivered and is awaiting their review.

The task approver will be notified that the user has submitted a task for approval. If the task completer provided a comment when they submitted the task, it will be displayed under the Comments tab.

The task approver can either click on Accept or Reject. This will bring up the Accept or Reject pop-up menu.

The task deliverer will be notified that their task completion has been accepted or rejected. Comments provided by the approver will appear in the Comments tab.

If Rejected, the user can click on Restart/Finish to redo or resubmit the task.

Last updated