Quizzes Tools

Employee learning using quizzes


Quizzes enable you to design a set of questions which then allows you to test employee knowledge, conduct competitions and drive employee learning in your company. Like other modules, quizzes module is accessible to users via the primary navigation bar on the left.

To access quizzes, select Quizzes from the left-hand side menu.

  1. Filter what quizzes you View. You can filter by:

    1. All Quizzes

    2. Mandatory Quizzes Only

    3. Quizzes I Have Created

    4. Quizzes I Have Taken

    5. Quizzes In Teams I Administer

  2. Filter by Published. You can filter by:

    1. All Time

    2. Last 1 Year

    3. Last 6 Months

    4. Last 3 Months

    5. This Month

    6. This Week

  3. Configure the Order of the quizzes

  4. Create a New Quiz

  5. Three Dot Menu

    1. Copy Link to quiz. If you attempt to share a quiz that has only been shared with a private team, then only members of that team will be able to access it, all other users will get an error message.

    2. Edit Quiz- This option is only available to the quiz creator and admins. Once the quiz has been opened, the only things you can edit are:

      1. Quiz end date and time

      2. Marking the quiz as mandatory

      3. Showing results with correct answers at the end of the quiz

    3. Clone Quiz: If you copy a quiz:

      1. All the questions along with their answer choices will be cloned

      2. Preference settings will not be cloned

      3. Responses & audience details will not be cloned

      4. In the newly cloned quiz, you will be able to make additional edits and choose the audience before publishing it

    4. Close Quiz-This option is only available to the quiz creator and admins. Closing the quiz will result in users no longer being able to answer or resume the quiz.

    5. Delete-This option is only available to the quiz creator and admins

    6. Take the Quiz- This is available to anyone the quiz has been shared with EXCEPT the quiz creator

Create a Quiz from the Quiz Page

To create a quiz from the quiz page, click on New Quiz from the upper right-hand side of the screen.

  1. Select the template you would like to use to build your quiz. You can select from:

    1. Blank Template: This is an empty template

    2. Questions with Multiple Choice Answers: This template has questions with multiple choice answers

    3. Questions with Multiple Choice and Text Answers: This template has questions that are a combination of multiple choice and text answers

  2. Click on Continue

From the left-hand side menu, select the question type. You can select Multiple Choice or Text.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Duplicate the question

  2. Delete the question

  3. Close the question (This is used after you create or edit a question)

  4. Question: Type the language of the question

  5. Answer Choice: You must have at least 2 options. You can select an emoji from the text box as well. You can also select to allow multiple choices for the correct answer.

  6. Correct Answer: Select the correct answer(s)

  7. Duplicate the field

  8. Delete the field

  9. Save and Continue

Text Questions

  1. Duplicate the question

  2. Delete the question

  3. Close the question (This is used after you create or edit a question)

  4. Question: Type the language of the question

  5. Answer Length: Set the minimum and maximum length of the answer

  6. Answer Box Height: You can set the number of lines to a single line of text or set number

  7. Duplicate the field

  8. Delete the field

  9. Save and Continue

Text questions are not automatically marked as correct or incorrect.

Configuring Audience

  1. Pick Your Audience

    1. Specific Users

    2. Your Followers

    3. Team

  2. Set Quiz End Date and Time

  3. Mark the quiz as mandatory: Quizzes will be marked as mandatory

  4. Randomize question order: Users will all receive the quiz with the questions in a different order

  5. Show results with correct answers: Once submitted, uses will see their quiz score and the correct answers. If you do not select this option, users will not see their final score

  6. Set the passing criteria

  7. Set the completion message

  8. Click on Publish to create your quiz

Options on Quizzes You Created

  1. Copy Link to quiz. If you attempt to share a quiz that has only been shared with a private team, then only members of that team will be able to access it, all other users will get an error message.

  2. Edit Quiz- This option is only available to the quiz creator and admins. Once the quiz has been opened, the only things you can edit are:

    1. Quiz end date and time

    2. Marking the quiz as mandatory

    3. Showing results with correct answers at the end of the quiz

  3. Clone Quiz

  4. Close Quiz-This option is only available to the quiz creator and admins. If you copy a quiz:

    1. All the questions along with their answer choices will be cloned

    2. Preference settings will not be cloned

    3. Responses & audience details will not be cloned

    4. In the newly cloned quiz, you will be able to make additional edits and choose the audience before publishing it

  5. Delete-This option is only available to the quiz creator and admins

  6. View Insights about the quiz. Only the quiz creator and admins will see this option.

Creating a Quiz from the Universal Compose Button

Then, click on Quiz. From there, follow the same process as you did when creating a quiz from the Quiz page.

Creating a Quiz from a Team Page

You can create a quiz from any Team page.

From the desired team page, click on More. Next, select New Quiz. From there, follow the same process as you did when creating a quiz from the Quiz page.

Taking a Quiz

You can access quizzes shared with you two way.

You can click on quizzes from the left-hand side menu.

You can also access quizzes shared with you, on your news feed.

From either location, click on Take the Quiz

Click on Start Quiz Now

  1. After you complete your quiz, you will see your responses. If the quiz creator has allowed it, you will also see your results.

  2. Click the X to close your quiz

You can also review your responses from the Quizzes screen. Simply click on View My Response.

Quiz Insights

From the quiz screen, click on View Insights to see reporting for the created quiz.

You can see engagement and responses.

Quiz Tools

  1. Copy Link for sharing. If you attempt to share a quiz that has only been shared with a private team, then only members of that team will be able to access it, all other users will get an error message.

  2. Export Insights. You can export in:

    1. XLS

    2. PDF

  3. Edit Quiz: This is only available to the quiz creator and admins. Once the quiz has been opened, the only things you can edit are:

    1. Quiz end date and time

    2. Marking the quiz as mandatory

    3. Showing results with correct answers at the end of the quiz

  4. Clone Quiz: If you copy a quiz:

    1. All the questions along with their answer choices will be cloned

    2. Preference settings will not be cloned

    3. Responses & audience details will not be cloned

    4. In the newly cloned quiz, you will be able to make additional edits and choose the audience before publishing it

  5. Close Quiz: Closing the quiz will result in users no longer being able to answer or resume the quiz. This is only available to the quiz creator and admins

  6. Delete: This is only available to the quiz creator and admins

Closing a Quiz

To close a quiz, click on the three dots on a selected quiz. Then, click Close Quiz.

Only the quiz creator or an admin can close a quiz.

You will be asked to confirm if you want to close the quiz. Click on Yes to continue.

Closing a quiz will result in users no longer being able to answer or resume the quiz.

Re-Opening a Quiz

The quiz creator or an admin can re-open a quiz. To do this, click on the three dots on the desired quiz, and click on Re-open Quiz.

Reopening a quiz will allows users to take the quiz. User who started the quiz will also be able to complete the quiz if it is reopened.

Last updated