Edit Your User Profile


The user profile on the company intranet is a valuable tool for sharing information about yourself with colleagues and accessing various features within the portal. Follow these steps to personalize and manage the user profile effectively.

To access the edit menu, navigate to your profile and click the Edit button located on your profile banner, or select Edit My Profile from the Profile Tools dropdown menu.

Editing Your Profile

Once in the profile editing interface, you'll see various fields. Some may be required, while others are optional, depending on the settings configured by your network administrator.

Complete each field as thoroughly as possible based on the guidelines set by your site administrators.

Use the left-hand side menu to quickly navigate to different sections of your profile (e.g., contact information, job title, bio).

Uploading a Profile Picture

If allowed by your site admin, you can upload or modify your profile picture.

Click on your current profile picture or placeholder image. Hover over the picture and click on "Change Photo." Choose a photo from your computer to upload.

If you would prefer to not have a profile picture, simply click the Delete button.

Additional Profile Tools

Besides editing profile details, the Profile Tools dropdown provides the additional options:

  • Get Link to Profile: Obtain a shareable link to your profile for easy sharing with colleagues.

  • Download Profile: Download a copy of your profile for offline reference.

  • PDF: Generate a PDF version of your profile.

  • vCard or Virtual Contact File: Download a virtual contact file containing your profile information.

Customization of user profiles enhances the professional presence of users and facilitate smoother interactions with colleagues across the organization. Remember to keep user profiles updated with accurate and relevant information.

Last updated