Rule Builder
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During the design step of survey creation, you will have the option to access the survey Rule Builder. This Rule Builder allows users to create surveys with conditional pages, conditional questions, and conditional messages. The Rule Builder can use if/then logic to show or hide questions, pages, and/or confirmation messages depending on the responses submitted by users.
For the purpose of example, we will be creating rules and conditions for an onboarding experience feedback survey.
In this section, you can set up rules that enable respondents to skip directly to specific pages as determined by the conditions you define.
For this example, the survey creator has set up pages with questions pertaining specifically to users working in the office, remotely, or in a hybrid setup.
Click Create New Rule to begin.
This rule will be dependent on the response to the multiple choice question "What type of employee are you?" set up in the first page of questions as seen below.
Using the dropdown menus, we will create a rule that will navigate survey takers to the Employee Questions - Remote Only page if they have selected "Remote" as their answer.
The other choices (Hybrid and In-Office) will each require their own rules to be setup. They will be setup in a similar way as the first.
Once the rules have been set up, click the Save button.
With these rules in place, survey participants will only be directed to specific pages if they have selected the corresponding multiple-choice option. For example, if a survey participant chooses "Remote," they will not be asked to respond to questions on the "Hybrid" or "In-Office" pages.
Here is a preview of what the survey taker will see in the published survey:
If a survey participant revisits a previous page and changes their response, only the page associated with the response selected when they complete the survey will retain the saved answers.
For example, the survey taker chooses "Remote" and fills out the Remote Only questions page. However, they click the Previous button to return to the previous page and change their answer to "Hybrid". The survey taker fills out the Hybrid Only page and proceeds to complete the survey.
Since the survey taker finished the survey and submitted it with "Hybrid" selected, only responses from the "Hybrid" question page will be retained for survey insights, even though the survey taker has filled out both pages.
The following question types are ineligible for conditional page rules.
Utilize these rules to show or hide additional fields depending on the criteria set for specific questions.
This section of the rule builder allows you to show or hide follow-up questions depending on the response given by survey takers to the previous question.
To continue our example, our survey creator has included a page of questions dedicated to receiving feedback on the survey taker's manager. The creator has come up with the following questions:
If a survey taker answers "No", the survey creator would like them to fill out the following question for ways to improve the manager's role in the onboarding experience. Survey takers that answer "Yes" should not be required to answer this question, so the survey creator will create a Question Rule.
Click Create New Rule to begin.
The survey creator will set up a rule that for an instance in which a survey taker selects "No" for the question "Did your manager provide adequate resources and tools for you to perform your job effectively during the onboarding period?"
The condition will be that if "No" is selected, then the Text field type question "Please provide any additional comments or suggestions regarding your manager's role in your onboarding experience" will show. With this rule in place, by default, survey takers that choose "Yes" will not have the text field question appear.
Here is an example of how the survey creator will set up this rule:
Once the rule has been set up, click the Save button.
With this rule in place, here is what the survey taker will see:
If a survey participant changes their answer to the question that triggers the rule, the response for the conditional question will not be saved. For instance, if a survey participant initially selects "No" and responds to the follow-up question, but later changes their answer to "Yes" and completes the survey, the text field entry will not be saved or submitted to the survey insights.
The following question types are ineligible for the IF condition for question rules.
All question types are eligible to be the THEN condition.
Create a custom message to be displayed after the survey is completed. These rules will take precedence over the default confirmation message.
This section of the rule builder allows you to create a custom message based on an answer response. This message will appear after the survey taker has finished and submitted their survey.
In the Preferences step of survey creation, you can create the default message displayed upon survey completion.
To conclude our example scenario, the survey creator wishes to include a personalized message for survey participants who report a negative onboarding experience, encouraging them to contact the HR department for a more in-depth discussion about their onboarding experience.
To begin, click Create Rule.
For this rule, the survey creator will choose the Opinion Scale question at the beginning of the survey "In general, how satisfied were you with the onboarding experience?"
This custom message will display if the survey taker responds with a score of 3 or below.
Here is an example of how the survey creator will set up this rule:
Once the rule has been set up, click the Save button.
With this rule in place, here is what the survey taker will see:
The following question types are ineligible for custom message rules.
Q: How many rules can be created per survey?
A: Currently, there is no specified limit on the number of rules that can be created per survey. However, it is advisable to follow best practices and limit the creation of rules to those that are deemed absolutely necessary for the survey's purpose.
Q: Can I create multiple rules for one page/question?
For example, the survey creator would like a custom message to appear if a survey taker ranks the Opinion Scale question "In general, how satisfied were you with the onboarding experience?" at a 3 or below. However, they do not want the custom message to appear if the survey taker chosen a rating of 4 or higher for the Star Rating question "On a Star rating scale, did you feel welcomed by your colleagues at Acme?"
Here is an example of how the survey creator may set up this rule:
Q: Can I prevent users from accessing subsequent pages after a page jump in a survey?
A: While survey page rules allow users to be directed to a specific page based on their responses, they do not automatically restrict access to subsequent pages. However, you can structure rules to guide users to the appropriate sections while ensuring they skip irrelevant pages.
For example, if a survey contains:
Intro Page – Users select their role.
Corporate Page (for corporate users).
Manager Page (for managers).
Swim Instructor Page (for instructors).
General Pages (for all users to complete).
You can configure rules so that:
Users jump to their designated role page.
When they proceed from their role-specific page, they skip over other role pages and go directly to the General Pages for all users.
This requires setting multiple page rules to ensure that each role’s path is correctly structured.
Q: Can I preview my rules before I publish the survey?
A: Yes. When you proceed to Step 4 of survey creation titled Preview, you will be able to preview your rules in action via the web view. Please note, the mobile preview is solely intended to visually demonstrate how the survey would appear and will not preview your rules in action.
A: Only the first rule in the list will apply if creating multiple rules for a single question. You do have the option to create more advanced conditions for rules by clicking the when creating a rule.