My Schedule
From this tab, users will be able to check their scheduled hours for populated weeks.
User Schedules UI
Users have the ability to view the start time, end time, and duration of their current and upcoming week shifts.
Users can access additional details by selecting a specific shift, including the scheduled break times. The availability of viewing all shifts at their location depends on the settings configured by the admin.
The system supports multi-day shifts, meaning that if a shift spans over two days, the details will display both dates for that particular shift. Additionally, the shift and break times are presented in the user's preferred locale, ensuring a localized experience.
The Schedules UI provides the convenient feature of messaging co-workers directly. Users can easily send messages to their colleagues by clicking on their names and using the office card functionality. This messaging capability is available on both the web interface and the mobile app, allowing seamless communication from the Schedules module.
Frequently Asked Questions
I don't see my schedule. What should I do?- Contact your site admin to ensure that the connection to your timekeeping software has been configured correctly.
I see my schedule, but I can't edit it. What should I do? - The system is designed to show you your schedule, not edit it. Only your site admin can make those changes.
Can I view my schedule on mobile? Yes, you can You can easily access the Schedules feature from any smart device,
Last updated