My Priority Items Widget
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My Priority Items (MPI) is integrated into the Widget Gallery and the Top Navigation Bar. When the MPI is off, these options are hidden. When enabled, the widget appears under the Recommended category in the gallery, and the flyout is added to the top navigation bar.
Summary cards provide a count of pending items along with info tips for guidance. Hover effects display the full names of truncated cards. Clicking a card opens a slider on the right-hand side with detailed information and actionable options.
When no actionable items exist for a summary card, the count displays as "0," and clicking the card opens a slider with an empty state message.
Each summary card offers specific functionalities.
Approvals show pending moderation, document, and team join requests.
Courses display incomplete mandatory courses.
Events include RSVP-required upcoming events.
Posts show unread announcements or acknowledgment-required posts.
Tasks list displays pending tasks with due dates.
Surveys, Quizzes, and Polls display mandatory or incomplete items with active deadlines.
To-Dos highlight pending items with due dates.
Recommendations suggest productivity-enhancing actions.
On dashboards, the MPI widget appears in the admin-selected view (Grid or List). It can also be added to company and team pages, as well as the news feed panel, where it appears on the right-hand side.
For mobile users, the MPI widget is integrated via WebView, and clicking on summary cards transitions to a mobile-optimized native interface.
My Priority Items is not available to be displayed in the main navigation menu, and multiple MPI widget instances cannot be added to a single page.