Tracker Widget View Type


MangoApps provides eight versatile views in the Tracker Widget, each designed to meet specific data display needs. Whether you're handling detailed data analysis, creating visual summaries, or needing customized layouts, there's a view that fits your requirements. Use the examples provided to choose the best view for your data, ensuring an efficient and effective data presentation.


Displays data as rows and columns with vertical & horizontal scrolling behavior. This is the default tracker view.

Use Case Example: Ideal for detailed data analysis, such as financial reports or inventory lists, where you need to compare multiple fields across many records in a structured and accessible format.


Displays each row as an individual page with next & previous scrolling behavior

Use Case Example: Perfect for detailed record reviews, such as employee profiles or customer information, where each row represents a comprehensive set of data for one entity and needs to be viewed one at a time.

Bar Chart

Displays data as a bar chart with configurable X-axis, Y-axis, and other bar chart properties. You can define the axes, group values, stack groups, and show/hide labels and legends.

Use Case Example: Useful for visualizing categorical data, such as sales performance across different regions or product categories, where you can easily compare quantities and trends at a glance.

Line Chart

Displays data as a line chart with configurable X-axis, Y-axis, and other line chart properties.

Use Case Example: Best suited for time-series data, such as tracking monthly sales growth or website traffic over time, where you need to observe trends and patterns across a continuous interval.

List & Details

Displays each row as an item in the list with configurable fields. Each item is clickable to show the detailed view of the configured fields.

Use Case Example: Ideal for task management or project tracking, where a quick overview is needed, but detailed information should be accessible on demand for each task or project entry.

Result Summary

Displays data as tiles with configurable aggregate functions, group by column, and other tile properties.

Use Case Example: Suitable for dashboard summaries, such as key performance indicators (KPIs) or project milestones, where aggregate data and grouped information provide a quick and comprehensive overview.

Card (HTML Based)

Displays each row as a card with vertical scrolling behavior. Advanced customization is possible using the HTML/CSS code editor.

Use Case Example: Great for visually rich data presentations, such as product catalogs or portfolio items, where customized styling enhances the user experience and highlights key information.

Substitution tags

Utilizes substitution tags to personalize and automate content within your domain. These tags, also known as placeholders or merge fields, allow users to dynamically insert data into templates, messages, and other content. For example, in tracker widgets, substitution tags can be used to automatically insert profile information for users submitting entries or other specific details, creating a customized experience without manual entry. This automation not only enhances user experience by delivering personalized communication but also streamlines the creation and management of content across the platform.

To use substitution tags, in this case, place your cursor in the HTML box above, then click on any substitution tag below to insert it. The substitution tags will automatically be replaced with their actual values in the final view.

Multi-Card (HTML Based)

Displays each row as two cards with vertical scrolling behavior. Advanced customization is possible using the HTML/CSS code editor.

Use Case Example: Useful for side-by-side comparisons, such as comparing two product features or employee performance metrics, where each entry needs a dual-card layout for effective presentation.

Last updated