Directory & Profiles Tools

Company employee directory and profile pages to find experts and increase communication

With MangoApps People Directory and Profiles, you are able to get detailed information about colleagues. You can see an icon view, a list view, and even an org chart view. MangoApps makes it easy to share and access detailed information about employees.

People Directory

To navigate to the People Directory, click on People.

  1. Find People to view their profile

  2. Configure the arrangement of the list. You can select between:

    1. Tile view- Provides a grid view of users

    2. List view- Provides a single list of all users in the system

    3. Org Chart- Provides the organizational hierarchy of users

  1. To see options for the person's profile, click on the three dots

  2. To view the person's profile, click on View Profile

  3. To follow the user, click on Follow. Following a user will have their updates and activities display on your newsfeed. If you already follow a user and want to unfollow them, simply select Unfollow

  4. To start a chat with the user, click on Send IM

  5. To a private message to the user, click on Send a Message

From a user profile, click on Profile Tools to:

  1. Get a link to the profile

  2. Download profile

Viewing a Profile

  1. Activity: See posts, updates, badges, and more

  2. Info: See basic profile information as provided by the user

  3. Org Chart: See where the user falls in the company org chart

  4. Recognition: See all awards given to the user

  5. Timesheets: See any completed timesheets for the user

  6. Projects: See projects that the user is a member of

  7. Groups: See groups that the user is a member of

  8. Files: See files shared by the user

  9. Posts: See all posts by the user

  10. Wikis: See wikis created by the user

  1. Follow a user to get their update on your newsfeed. If you already follow a user, you can unfollow them from here

  2. Send a Message to the user

  3. Write on Wall of the user

  4. Recognize the user

Configure Your Profile

From any screen in the portal, click on your Name.

To edit your profile, click on Edit or click on Profile Tools and select Edit My Profile.

Next, fill out your profile. The required and available fields will vary based upon what has been set by your site admins. You should fill out your profile as thoroughly as possible

To quickly navigate to a section in your profile, you can select it from the left-hand side menu.

Once you are satisfied, click on Save

Upload a Profile Picture

If your site admin has allowed it, you can upload and/or modify your profile picture.


Click on your image or icon.

Hover over your profile picture or placeholder image. Then, click on Change Photo and select a photo from your computer.

Profile Tools

  1. Edit My Profile- Click to edit your profile

  2. Get Link to Profile- Get a link to you profile to share

  3. Download Profile- Download a copy of your profile

    1. PDF

    2. vCard or Virtual Contact File

Last updated