Campaign Admin Tools

Campaigns allow you to send relevant and timely news via email or SMS, making it easy to communicate with employees.


Campaigns within your organization's domain are robust tools designed to facilitate communication with your entire workforce, even those not directly connected. By leveraging campaigns, you can deliver pertinent and timely news through email or SMS, streamlining communication across your organization. Internal communication teams can utilize campaigns to craft compelling and professional employee communications targeted at specific user groups, thereby reducing email overload and enhancing engagement.

Some examples of ways in which campaigns and series campaigns can be utilized include onboarding newly joined employees, sharing best practices with store managers for efficient store execution, or even sending approved security and operational practices to just branch managers.

Admin Functions

Along with Creating a New Campaign, Network admins or admins with access to the Campaigns module have several additional capabilities.

3-Dot Action Menu:

  • Clone: Duplicate existing campaigns for reuse.

  • Edit: Modify campaign details.

  • Deactivate: Temporarily suspend a campaign.

  • Delete: Delete a campaign. Once a campaign is deleted, it cannot be recovered. We suggest deactivating a campaign instead of deleting it to avoid the risk of data loss. It's important to note that campaigns will not be retroactively deleted from users who have already received them.

  • View Insights: This option will navigate you to the Insights page for the campaign in question. From the insights menu, you will be able to view various details and metrics related to the success of a sent campaign.

Campaign List Columns :

  • Title: Displays the name of the campaign.

  • Status: Reflects the current status of the campaign (Draft, In Progress, Scheduled, Sent).

  • Target Audience: Shows the intended audience for the campaign.

  • Category: Displays the category to which the campaign belongs.

  • Channel: Indicates the medium through which campaign details are sent (email, SMS, or both).

  • Last Updated: Shows the date and time when the campaign was last updated.

  • Sent: Displays the total number of users to whom the campaign was sent.

  • Delivered: Shows the total number of users who successfully received the campaign.

  • Unique Opens: Indicates the total number of unique users who opened the campaign.

  • Unique Clicks: Shows the total number of unique users who clicked on the call-to-action button in the campaign.

Sorting and Categorization:

Campaigns can be sorted by their status (Draft, Sent, Scheduled, In Progress) using the dropdown menu along the top right hand side of the screen.

By default, campaigns can be sorted into four categories: Employee Comms, Leadership Comms, Change Comms, Company Update. Network administrators can edit, delete, or reorder these categories as needed from the Admin Portal.

When to Use Campaigns

The Campaigns module makes it easy to reach and engage with your audience, including employees who are completely un-engaged with your intranet. It is the best way to deliver relevant and timely news over email and/or SMS.

Campaigns are recommended in the following scenarios:

  • When recipients need to easily view campaign contents without logging onto the platform.

  • When personalizing the campaign by addressing each employee by name is desired.

  • When detailed analytics are necessary compared to regular posts.

  • When targeting specific user segments based on engagement levels.

  • When targeting segments outside their own department, group, or project is necessary.

  • When bypassing users' notification settings is needed.

  • When the content doesn't necessarily need to appear in users' news feeds.

Using campaigns in these situations can provide you with greater flexibility and control over your communication efforts.

Use-Cases for Campaigns include:

  • Open Enrollment information

  • Branch/location closing due to weather

  • Onboarding new employees

  • Mandatory training

  • Leadership update

  • Encourage users to login to or learn the benefits of your platform

  • Communications that would benefit from specific user targeting and personalization, as well as specific delivery methods

Last updated