Create a Course
Companies often find value in offering courses for their employees as part of their overall training and development strategy. One primary reason is to facilitate effective onboarding processes. When new employees join a company, providing them with relevant courses helps them familiarize themselves with the organization's culture, values, and policies. This not only expedites the integration of new hires into the company but also ensures that they are well-equipped to contribute productively from the start.
Another crucial aspect is compliance training. Companies operating in regulated industries or jurisdictions often need to ensure that their employees are well-versed in compliance requirements, industry standards, and legal obligations. Offering courses on topics such as workplace safety, data protection, and ethical practices helps in mitigating risks and ensuring that employees adhere to the necessary guidelines. By investing in training programs, companies can create a more knowledgeable and skilled workforce, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development that ultimately benefits both the employees and the organization as a whole.
To get started, click the Create a New Course button located at the top right of the page. The course creation wizard is broken up into 2 steps: Course Fields and Rules.
The first step begins with the Overview section. Within this section you can create a Name for your course, Assign a category, add a course cover photo and/or introduction video, and write a description of the course.
A few things to keep in mind:
Each course name must be unique within the domain, even if the course has been archived. Duplicating course names is not allowed.
If a category is not assigned to a course, it will default to the Unassigned category and will be displayed as such in the User Portal. "Unassigned" in this case refers to the fact that a category has not been assigned to the course, it has no reflection on user assignment.
Ensure that the entered course description is specific and detailed, as it can be searched for using the domain's search function to help users find a course.
For course cover photos, we recommend a resolution of 1280x790 pixels.
For the purpose of this example, we will be creating a Safety course for Acme's Annual Compliance training.
Filling in the Overview section, we will have something like this:
This section includes the abilities to add a course code, choose the training delivery of the course, assign an instructor, add hashtags, and choose your course language.
Code: Required. This code serves as a unique identifier for the course. It could be used to refer to this course for users or provide an additional qualifier for the search function.
Price: Optional. Use this field for courses that require payment in order to take.
Delivery Mode: Use the dropdown menu to choose between "Self-Paced" or "Instructor Led" for the course.
Self-Paced: Allows the assignee to progress through the course independently, without the need for in-person or digital instructor-led sessions.
Instructor Led: Requires the assignee to attend seminars hosted by the selected instructor.
Credits Earned: Assign credit value to your course for continued learning and applicable certifications. Course credits can be viewed from within the Admin and User Portals view the Learn Module and User Transcripts.
Skills Gained: This section provides the users with the listed skill knowledge upon completion of the course. This section serves as another way to increase the searchability of your course.
Estimated Duration: Course content authored in MangoApps will have this estimate automatically calculated. For any imported course content, this section allows you to include an estimate of the duration of the course.
Language: Choose the primary language for your course. Although users can set their own language from within their portal language settings, in the case of live seminars it is suggested to list the primary language the instructor will be using.
Hashtags: Select relevant hashtags for your course to increase its searchability.
Instructor: If applicable, select an instructor for the course. Multiple instructors can be selected. All users serving as the course Instructor will have permission to edit the course, manage users, and view course insights. For information on the Domain Portal experience for instructors, click here.
Celebrate the success of users by setting up certificates of completion or excellence to be awarded upon successful course completion.
Certificate: Choose the visual style of the certificate from a pop-up window of previewing designs. Additional designs can be added and configured from the Certificates tab within the Learn Module. Click here to learn how! If enabled from the People Module, these certificates can be featured on user profiles and even downloaded as a PDF.
Certificate Description: Choose to include an up to 2000 character description of your certificate. This description will appear on the course page. Use this description space to include details, limitations, and re-certification instructions for your users.
Certifying Authority: Designate a user to act as the certifying authority. Their digital signature will be featured on the certificate.
Validity: Optional. Choose an expiration period for the certificate in the event the course needs to be repeated in the future.
Attach material that will be relevant to your course, whether in preparation or material that will be used throughout the course.
Accepted file types include .ppt, .pdf, .doc, and video files.
In Step 2: Rules, you can configure the course's visibility, set completion and enrollment parameters, create custom enrollment messages, and importantly, set up the Auto Governance for your course.
Courses support the following Visibility values for your users:
Private – The course is not visible in the course catalog. A link of this course is needed to see & take the course.
Specific Users – The course is visible in the course catalog only to the users who are added. Selecting this option will create a User Look Ahead field for user selection. More than one user can be chosen at a time.
Specific Teams – The course is visible in the listed team(s) Learn Module as well as in the course catalogs of the members of the listed team(s). Selecting this option will create a Team Look Ahead field for selection.
Specific Locations – The course is visible in the course catalog for users who belong to the selected location(s). Selecting this option will create a Location Look Ahead field for location selection.
Entire Company – The course is visible in the course catalog to everyone within the company domain.
Public – The course is visible to everyone within and without the company domain. Select this option if you would like to share course information to some one not registered to the company domain.
In order for a user to complete a course, they MUST be registered within the domain.
Traversal Rule: Use this option to dictate whether chapters within a course must be completed sequentially or if users have the flexibility to skip chapters and return to them later. Completed chapters will be marked as completed on the course page for easy tracking.
Completion Rule: This option allows you to choose what percentage of chapters must be successfully completed in order for the course to be considered "passed". You can select between 10-90% in sequences of 10 or select "All chapters must be completed" from the dropdown to indicate 100% of chapters need to have successful completion for the course to be passed.
Pre-requisite: Course or curriculum that a user will be required to complete before starting your course. If multiple courses/curriculums are specified here, the user will be required to complete ALL of them before starting this course.
Allow Self Enroll: Toggle this option ON to allow users to take the course without the need of assignment. This option is great for pursuing continued learning courses or for self-improvement opportunities.
When toggled ON, an additional option to Allow Self Retake will appear. Enable this setting if you want to allow users to retake the course, without the need to have a Learn admin or Instructor re-assign it. Turn OFF self retake setting if you do not want users to retake the course without admin or instructor assignment.
Domain/LMS admins, Course instructors, and Automation rules allow for auto-reassignment of courses for users for retake.
Enable Custom Assignment Message:
Enable this setting to send a customized course-level message to the learner when a course is assigned to them. This setting is applicable only when a single course assignment is made either manually by an administrator/instructor or via an automation rule.
When enabled, additional options will appear. You customize whether the assignment messages shows a from the assigning user or from the Learn Helper and view a sample of your message as well.
Assignments made through automation will always be attributed to the 'Learn Helper' user.
This section enables you to choose an archival or review time period for the course. It is strongly recommended to activate this option to ensure that course information remains current.
Select To be reviewed from the dropdown menu will create an additional dropdown menu, allowing you to set a timeframe interval after the course's last review date to re-enter a review state. In this context, the last review date is the date when the item was added under auto governance, and the next review date will be automatically calculated based on the selected time period.
Essentially, Next Review Date = Last Review Date + Time Period Value selected.
Once you have completed your course, click Save & Exit to be returned to the Learn module or click the dropdown carat. From the dropdown carat, you will have the additional options to Save and go immediately to the course content creation wizard or save and begin import of SCORM content.
Additional course fields can be enabled or disabled from the Course Fields tab.
Last updated