My Recordings FAQ
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What document file types are supported by the Mango Recorder Viewer?
Currently, we support more than 50 document types, and the list continues to grow. The supported file types are listed below.
How many PC’s can I install Mango Recorder on, using a single license?
Mango Recorder is licensed per user. Each purchased user can have the software installed on up to two machines – for example, you can install your program on both a desktop and a laptop (typically, people install it at work and at home). As long as you are the only user, this is a valid use of your license.
If you wish to install on an another computer then as long as you uninstall from one of the two machines you have earlier installed it on before you install on the new machine you will still be within the terms of your license.
What browsers does the Mango Recorder Viewer work on?
Mango Recorder view will work on 99% of modern browsers. The shortened list of modern browsers that are certified with the Mango Recorder viewer includes: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Opera.
What is the maximum file size the Mango Recorder Viewer can display?
The viewer currently supports files of up to 2 GB to that can be viewed on the viewer.
How do I cancel/delete my Mango Recorder account?
Refer instructions here to cancel your Mango Recorder account, please note once your account is cancelled all your domain data will be immediately and permanently deleted. A cancellation from a paid level of service does not issue an account credit or refund.
Login to your Mango Recorder account from the web.
Navigate to “Billing” Tab.
Scroll down to the bottom of the screen & click “Please cancel my account”.
** Please understand that this action is irreversible and data will be lost upon continuing.
How do I share a file or folder using Mango Recorder?
When a new video / screenshot is added to My Recordings they automatically inherit the current default privacy settings of the user.
Each recording (video / screenshot) can be shared (under My Recordings > Each recording clicks on the 'share link' icon) with
For each recording (video / screenshot) you can get a secure link and public link (if the recording is public) from the MangoRecorder client app (under list of my recordings in the client app > Each recording clicks on "..." > Get internal link / Get a public link).
Users who can access the video / screenshot via the link will be determined after the Just-In-Time (JIT) permission check is applied on click of the video / screenshot link.
What annotations are available for screen captures?
Pointer: Use the cursor selection tool to select and move a shape or text that has already been added to your captured image.
Undo: Use the undo shortcut to undo your last edit to the image. There are multiple levels of undo.
Redo: Use the redo shortcut to reverse your last undo action. There are multiple levels of redo.
Draw Rectangle: Click and drag with the Draw Rectangle tool selected to add a rectangle to your captured image.
Draw Circle: Click and drag with the Draw Circle tool selected to add an ellipse to your captured image.
Draw Line: Click and drag with the Draw Line tool selected to add a line to your captured image.
Draw Pencil: Click and hold with the Draw Pencil tool selected to use freehand drawing on your image.
Draw Text: Click and drag to add a text box to your captured image then type in it to add the text.
Draw Arrow: Click and drag in the direction that you want the arrow to point to add it to your captured image.
Draw Arrow followed by Text : Click and drag to add an arrow followed by a text box.
Pixelate: Make an area of the picture unrecognizable or unreadable.
Crop: Select the region of the image that you want to keep.
Highlighter: Click and highlight a specific area of the image captured.
Arrow and Text Color: Change the color of the arrows along with the text.
Stroke: Change the Border color
Fill Color: Fills the shape you have selected with a color that you choose.
Border Thickness: With your shape selected, choose the line thickness of the outline of your shape.
Text size: Change the Text size
What visual properties are available for video annotation?
The following are the different types of annotations to choose from
1. Rectangle: Allows to highlight or obfuscate parts of your video with rectangular shapes.
2. Ellipse: Allows to highlight or obfuscate parts of your video with elliptical shapes
3. Text: allows to add text to your video
4. Arrow: allows to point to a particular area of your video
5. Line: Use this to Draw a simple line
6. Draw Pencil: Pencil Tool creates free-form or freehand drawings on the video
For every element type there is a specific set of properties available to change the look of the element (e.g. border thickness, border color, fill color, font style, and font size). You can change the options for an existing element after selecting it, but also for the next element to be drawn after selecting a drawing tool.
You can position the annotation on any video by dragging and dropping it within the video player. Use the small squares on the corners of the annotation to make them bigger or smaller.
How can I annotate a previously captured video?
To annotate a previously captured video with Mango Recorder, navigate to the Mango Recorder Video Gallery, right click on the video you wish add annotations and click on Edit Video.
Clicking on edit would open the video in the Mango Recorder video editor, you can now add annotations to the same.
How do I import videos from my local drive into Mango Recorder?
When you double-click a file to open it, Windows examines the file name extension. If Windows recognizes the file name extension, it opens the file in the program that is associated with that file name extension.
However, you can change the program that is associated with recognized file name extensions so that Windows opens all files that have this extension in the new associated program.
The following steps describe how you can open a video file with Mango Recorder to enable annotation capabilities.
1. Locate the video file on your local drive.
2. Right click on the file you wish to open in Mango Recorder.
3. Click Open With then choose Mango Recorder.
Why does it say “Video conversion in progress…”?
When videos are first uploaded, there will be some time before they can be played. A message is shown alerting that a video conversion process is in progress. During the video conversion process, videos are converted to MP4 format for the Mango Recorder Web view for playback.
What video formats are supported by Mango Recorder viewer?
Mango Recorder supports multiple formats for playback and streaming across web, desktop, and mobile clients including:
What types video file types can be annotated via Mango Recorder from the local drive?
Mango Recorder video editor by default supports all the all files that is supported by the Windows Media Player installed on your system, this may differ from system to system depending upon the Codecs installed by the user.
Refer for the multimedia file types that are supported by different versions of Windows Media Player.
Note: The output of the videos annotated with Mango Recorder will always be .MP4 (X264)Video file format.
How to avoid background noise when recording a video?
Reducing noise in your recordings is easiest done by recording in a quiet place to start with. Make sure to turn off fans, air conditioners, furnaces, and anything else that is making noise in your recording space. If you have your computer in your room with you, try to use a microphone that is designed to reject noise from the rear, and keep the microphone faced away from the computer.
2. ODT
3. SXC
4. SXW
5. STC
6. STW
9. UOS
10. UOT
11. PPT
12. PPTX
13. CSV
14. DIF
15. XLT
17. XSL
18. XLTX
19. XLSX
20. ODP
21. XLS
22. HTM
23. OTT
24. PPSX
25. XLA
26. XLTM
27. DOTM
28. WPS
29. HTML
30. POTX
31. GDOC
32. PDF
33. HTM
34. RTF
35. CSV
36. ODP
37. XML
38. MOBI
39. DOT
40. DOCM
41. ODS
42. POTM
43. DOTX
44. XLSM
45. XLSB
46. TXT
47. GDOC