Survey Question Types


Create a comprehensive survey using the 10 types of survey questions offered by MangoApps. For purpose of example, each question type below will showcase the edit menu, respondent view, and insight view.

Multiple Choice

Purpose: The purpose of a multiple choice survey question is to gather structured and quantifiable data efficiently by presenting respondents with predefined answer choices. This standardizes questions and simplifies data analysis. For this type of question, you must have at least 2 answer choices. When setting up the question, you have the option to allow multiple answers to be selected or only one. Images can be added to each answer.

The Insights view of the multiple choice question presents the data in a bar graph. Click each bar to see a pop-up of users that responded with each option.

Star Rating

Purpose: The purpose of a Star Rating is to quickly gauge and quantify respondents' satisfaction, performance, or feedback on a particular aspect of their work using a simple visual.

When creating this question you can set the number of stars you would like in your rating, from one to a maximum of five stars.

The insights for the Star Rating are presented in a bar graph view. Click each bar to see further information.

Teams List

Purpose: The purpose of this question is to have a respondent select a team within the domain. The editor can choose whether the list includes All Teams or just the respondent's teams.

Prompts users to select a team from a list. You can choose to have team options include all teams or just teams the respondent is a member of. Guest users will only be able to see team of which they are a part.

Similar to text field response type questions, the insight view for this question is not represented by a graph. Click on the Answered option to view a pop-up menu of respondent answers.


Purpose: This question type allows you to gather concise, open-ended responses from respondents in order to gain deeper insights, opinions, or specific information on a given topic. These questions allow for more detailed and qualitative responses than multiple-choice questions, making them useful for collecting nuanced and personalized feedback or data.

You can set the minimum and maximum length of characters permitted in the answer. If you do not wish to limit the characters in the response, simply leave this option blank.

You can also set the answer box height to be a single line or multi-line.

This type of question is not represented by a graph as there is not quantifiable data. To view respondent answers, click the Answered section beneath the question. This will cause a pop-up to appear with each respondents text answer.

Opinion Scale

Purpose: This type of question is a great way to quantify and assess attitudes, opinions, and satisfaction levels of respondents.

For this question you are able to select icons, labels, values, and a default position for the sliding indicator.

The survey insights for this question are presented as a line graph. Click Answered to see a summary of respondents that answered for each value.

User List

Purpose: Similar to Teams List, this question allows for the respondents to choose a user from their network. Guest users will only see network users with whom they share a team.

Similar to other text field type questions, the responses to this type of question will not be reflected in a graph. Click Answered to see a list of respondents and their selected user.


Purpose: The purpose of this question is to prompt the user to input a date. You can select the date format and date range.

Respondents can input the date by selecting the month, day, and year from the calendar pop-up when clicking the response field.

Similar to other text field type questions, the responses to this type of question will not be reflected in a graph. Click Answered to see a list of respondents and their selected date.


Purpose: A Likert question is a type of survey question that asks respondents to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with a statement, usually on a 5-point or 7-point scale. Likert questions are a useful way to gather quantitative data about people's attitudes and opinions.

Likert questions consist of a statement followed by a range of response options.

The statement is a declarative sentence that expresses an opinion, attitude, or belief about a particular topic.

The response options are designed to capture the level of agreement or disagreement with the statement, and typically range from strongly agree to strongly disagree.

Statements: You can create up to 20 statements. By default, 4 statements will be shown. Add more statements by clicking on "add another statement" and Remove statements by clicking on (-). Statements have a max character limit of 150. Statements can also support links!

Response Options: You can create up to 7 response options. By default, 3 options will be shown. Similar to statements, you can add more response options by clicking on "add new option" and remove response options by clicking on (-). Response options can have a max character limit of 30.

The survey insights for this question are displayed in a stacked bar chart showing the percentage each of your Response Options were chosen per Statement.

NPS (Net Promoter Score)

Purpose: The Net Promoter Score is a widely used metric to gauge satisfaction and other metrics. For the purpose of example, let's use the NPS question:

"On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this workplace to a friend or colleague?"

Based on the response to this question, in this instance, respondents are divided into three categories:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): These are loyal enthusiasts and will keep referring others to the business.

  • Passives (score 7-8): These are respondents who are satisfied but not necessarily loyal and could be swayed by competitors or other factors.

  • Detractors (score 0-6): These are unhappy respondents who could harm the business through negative word-of-mouth.

The Net Promoter Score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters, resulting in a score that ranges from -100 to 100.

The survey insights for this question are displayed in a donut pir chart with your Net Promoter Score in the center.


Purpose: A ranking question is a type of question that asks respondents to order a list of items based on the respondent's preference, importance, or other criteria. Ranking questions are commonly used in market research, customer feedback surveys, and academic research to gather information on how people prioritize or value different options. Ranking questions can provide valuable insights into how respondents prioritize and value different options, and can help organizations make more informed decisions based on respondent preferences and needs.

Up to 10 options can be added with a max character limit of 150 per option. By default, 3 options are enabled and a minimum of 2 options are required. Options can be added by clicking on "add another option" and options can be removed by clicking on (-).

Respondents have the option to either click and drag to rearrange the ranking or utilize the left-hand arrows to move options up or down the list.

The survey insights for this question are displayed in a stacked bar chart, illustrating the percentage amount respondents placed of each of your options in each rank position.

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