Survey Insights

View survey results


Survey insights are a valuable tool used to view information obtained from answered survey question. These insights can offer a deeper understanding of opinions, preferences, behaviors, and attitudes in your workplace.

From the Surveys screen click on View Insights option from the 3-dot menu.

Insight View

Survey insights are accessible to the survey creator or those who've received permission during the survey creation process in the Preferences step. Click here for more information on setting up survey preferences.

If you are the survey creator, you'll have access to comprehensive insights, including an engagement pie chart and a breakdown of all survey responses.

Survey takers, who have been granted permission by the survey creator, will also be able to view similar information, though the specific details they see depend on the view levels allowed by the creator.

Survey insights present you with several blocks of information.

The top left block includes:

  • The title of the survey and it's completion percentage

  • A viewable list of all audience members for the survey

  • The survey creator's name and a link to their profile

  • The date of the latest update to the insights view

In the top right block, you'll find the Engagement Pie Chart. This chart gives you insights into the number of audience members who have completed the survey, those who have started but not finished, and those who haven't taken the survey yet.

The Started category will also show the number of questions a respondent has answered so far.

You can click on each section of the pie chart to see a list of respondents for each category. Additionally, you'll find the percentage and user count for each category displayed to the right of the pie chart.

The third section contains the results for each survey question. For a more in-depth view of each question type and how the result data is represented, click here to be navigated to the Survey Question Types article.

Insight Tools

Click the right hand Tools dropdown menu for additional options. From this menu, you can share the link to the insights, export the survey results, and modify the survey.

Copy Link: This option to copy a shareable link to your clipboard. Note: Only users with access to view insights/results will be able to view the link, all other users will see an error.

Export Insights: Click here to export the survey insights into either a .xls or .pdf file.

The PDF file is ideal for quick, visual summaries of survey results. It includes all the visual graphs from the survey but does not contain short answer responses or specific user response data.

On the other hand, the XLS file is best suited for in-depth analysis of short response questions and viewing individual responses. This file will not display visual graphs but will include comprehensive text-based response data and submissions for each respondent and each question.

Note: For the XLS file, only responses from completed surveys will be exported.

Boost Survey: Boost a survey to reach out to your audience again & get more response for the survey. A link to the survey will be automatically appended to the included message.

Edit Survey: This option allows the survey creator and those with full access to the survey to make changes to the survey. Note: Once a survey has been started, certain edit options will no longer be available.

Options that will be locked or no longer available for editing once a survey has been started include:

  • The ability to mark a question as mandatory

  • The ability to delete a question

  • The ability to re-arrange questions on a page

  • The ability to add questions to a page

  • For multiple choice questions, the option to allow multiple choices to be selected will be greyed out.

  • The ability to add more answer options to a question

  • The ability to remove answer options

  • For Star Rating, the ability to change the number of stars will be greyed out.

Clone Survey: This feature enables you to replicate a survey's structure and questions into a new survey. This includes all the questions and their answer choices as well as the configuration of the survey's Rule Builder.

Please note that certain elements, such as preference settings and response data, as well as audience details, will not be duplicated in the cloned survey.

In the newly cloned survey, you will have the flexibility to make further edits and select the target audience before finalizing and publishing it.

Close Survey: This option is only available to the survey creator and admins. You can close a survey at any time, regardless of the set end date. Closing the survey will result in users no longer being able to answer or resume the survey. When a survey is closed, users will no longer be able to submit responses or resume it and the survey becomes un-editable. However, administrators or the survey creator can choose to re-open the survey if needed.

Delete: This option is only available to the survey creator and admins. This option deletes a survey after a final confirmation. Deleting a survey will result in deletion of all the responses and insights for the survey.

Reset Survey

Individual user responses can be reset for a survey currently in progress. To reset a user's responses, click the Completed portion of the Overview pie chart. From the Engagement pop-up menu, click the 3-Dot Action menu next to the selected user. Click the Reset Response option.

Resetting will erase all answers and return the survey to its starting point for this user. Mark the check box if you would like to send a Message to the user to retake the survey.

Last updated