Quick Links Widget


The Quick Links Widget is a multifaceted tool designed to enhance accessibility and streamline information retrieval within your organization. It offers the flexibility to direct users to both external and internal web pages, e.g. accommodating external LMS links for training integration or featuring various directories on your homepage instead of clogging the main navigation menu.

The Quick Links Widget is an invaluable tool for seamlessly connecting users to documents, forms, and virtually any web-based information. In the context of a Human Resources department, it can significantly ease access to a variety of resources, including HR policy PDFs, specific intranet pages, and online request forms.

Click the Edit button and the Quick Links pop-up menu will appear. From this pop-up menu, you can add, edit, or remove your quick links list.

First, you will be asked to select a template. Out of the box, MangoApps offers 6 different template style:

  • Icon + Text Beneath

  • Icon + Text Above

  • Icon Only

  • Icon Left + Text Right

  • Text Only

  • Text in Two Columns

From this step you can also choose to add more tiles by clicking the + Add More towards the bottom of the pop-up menu (note that you may need to scroll down).

Once you have selected your template, click on a tile to begin customizing your link.

In this section, we will explore the different link types that can be added within the widget.

For templates that have icons, you will be prompted to select your icon or choose an icon from various media sources. You have the ability to further customize your icon choice with the Display Settings offered along the right hand menu. As seen below.

There are 5 link types offered from the Add Link dropdown menu:

  • Simple URL - The typical URL for any link.

  • Condition Based URL - This option allows you to set certain conditions for which URLs will appear in your Quick Links widget. See below for more information. Note: To set Condition Based URLs for the Quick Links Widget in the Home module, a Network Admin must access the Quick Links Widget from Admin Portal -> Modules -> Dashboard. For Company Pages and Team Pages, changes can be made by admins through the User Portal by click the Edit Current Page tool.

  • E-Mail - Enter an email address. When this link is clicked, the user's device will prompt them to compose an email using their device's email provider.

  • Phone - Enter in a phone number. When this link is clicked, the user device's phone provider will prompt them to make a call.

  • Other - Use this option for any link that does not fit the above criteria.

When clicked, these links can be set to open in a New Tab or within the Same Tab.

Once you have added all your links, click Save in the bottom right of the pop-up screen to save your changes.

Condition Based URL

This feature gives administrators the ability to create Quick Links that appear selectively, based on various user-related criteria. To access this functionality, go to the Add Link section in the Quick Links widget editor's pop-up menu, and select Condition-Based URL from the dropdown menu. This action will open a new pop-up menu titled Set up Conditions. For the purpose of this example, we will be setting up conditional links for associate insurance forms, but our associates are part of different Locations.

Links can be given conditions based on the following categories:

  • User Title

  • Organization

  • Office Location

  • Group

  • Department

  • Project

  • Access Platform

  • User Type

  • Custom Fields

Each Quick Link option can be associated with only one category. For instance, you can create a Quick Link that appears when a user's location is set to New York. Users with their location set to New York will see the link to the New York form, while users without the New York location setting will not see any link at all.

However, you cannot set a quick link to a multi-category condition, such as New York (Location) District Managers (User Title).

The Link Title is the title text that will appear (as long as a template with Text was selected) in place of the URL. CAUTION: If you are using a text only template and do not set a Link Title an error will occur and the link will not work.

Last updated