
Access common site activities in one click

The Compose button gives you one click access to common activities in MangoApps.

From Compose, you can perform different activities such as:

  • Sending an update

  • Posting a question

  • Sending Messages

  • Creating Post and many more.

  1. Update: Share an update with teams or your followers.

  2. M Mail: You can send and receive private mail.

  3. Task: Assign a task to team members.

  4. Event: Create an Event to add to the calendar.

  5. Reminder: Add a reminder to your calendar.

  6. Screen Share: Initiate a screen share with another user.

  7. Question: Ask a question of your followers or teams.

  8. Poll: Create a poll for your followers or teams.

  9. Post: Create a post to share with selected teams or the entire network.

  10. New Note: Create a new note.

  11. Media: Upload a file to the Media Gallery.

  12. Files: The Files module enables you to have a secure document management system in your company.

  13. Wikis: Create a wiki to share with teams.

  14. Recognize: Send a recognition to a colleague or team.

  15. Greeting: Send a greeting to a team or user.

  16. Idea: Share an idea with teams or your followers.

  17. Idea Campaign: Create an idea campaign.

  18. Ballot: Create a ballot to share with a team.

  19. Survey: Create a survey to share with a selected audience.

  20. Quiz: Create a quiz to share with a selected audience.

  21. Tracker: Create a new tracker.

  22. Opportunity: Add an opportunity to the CRM.

  23. Campaigns: Campaigns make it easy to reach and engage with your dispersed, unconnected employees, deliver relevant and timely news over Email or SMS.


Now you can share an update in MangoApps to one or more custom created team segments without having to enter all the team names. Additionally, you can share the same update with multiple teams without having to make a copy of the update using the CC feature.

Team segments are a collection of teams. Creating these collections allows the internal comm team to target communications for multiple teams. Domain & intranet admins can share an update or ask a question to one or more custom created team segments without having to enter all the team names in the CC list.

Sharing updates & questions with team segments

  1. Network admins only or Network & company admins can share updates, ask questions to a pre-defined collection of teams called team segments (admin portal > users > team segments > settings > who can use team segments).

  2. Team segments (rule based or a list of fixed teams) can be used when you have to share an update / ask a question to the same set of teams often.

  3. Multiple team segments can also be combined when sharing an update / question.

Sharing updates with multiple teams in CC list

You can share an update with multiple teams (in CC) without making copies of the same update.

Teams in the CC list is a personalized list and will include teams in which the user is a member of private teams where non-members are allowed to share an update/ask a question and all public teams. Any team that can't be @mentioned will not be included in the CC list of teams.

Comments Consolidated

When an update/question is shared with multiple teams using the new CC option, it will now not make a copy of the update/question for every team. It will consolidate all reactions, comments, answers and read acknowledgements.

You can ask a question to multiple teams (in CC) and keep all answers from different teams consolidated on the same question thread.

Notification Impact

With the newsfeed, you never have to worry about missing an important update or piece of information. You can completely configure your newsfeed to best suit your workflow.

Comments/replies/answers posted on the update/question will be notified in real-time to members of the 'To' team (as per their notification preferences). CC team members will not be notified, but will have access to view all the comments/replies/answers (& reactions) on the update/question.

Users who are @mentioned in the update/question/comment/reply/answer will always be notified (as before) irrespective of their TO/CC team membership. Any number of teams can be included in the CC list.

Go to Universal Compose Box from the right-hand side of the navigation bar and click Update.

  1. Select if you want to share the update with a specific Team or All Your Followers.

    • CC: Share an update to multiple teams (in CC) and keep all answers from different teams consolidated on the same question thread.

    • To: Enter the group, department, and project name to whom you want to share the update.

    • Note: Any number of teams can be included in the CC list.

  2. Share an update.

  3. Attach any supporting documentation.

  4. Select the Read Receipt check box if you want to see if anyone has read the update.

  5. Click Share to share the update.

The update will then be shared on the news feed with the chosen users and teams.

In the News feed Update you will see:

  • Edit: Click Edit to edit an update.

  • Add Reaction: Add a reaction to items in the update. You can select from:

    1. Like

    2. Super Like

    3. Haha

    4. Yay

    5. Wow

    6. Sad

  • Comment: Add a comment to the items in the update.

  • Pin it: Pin an update to easily access it at a later date or time. Pinned updates can be located on the Pinned tab.

  • Share: Share an update over an email.

  • More: You can also perform the following action in the update.

  • Copy Link, Mark as Unread, Add to Tracker, Add as Opportunity, Set a Reminder, Move Conversions, Flag this Content, and Delete.


The Question module allows employees to ask a question to multiple teams (in CC) and keep all answers from different teams consolidated on the same question thread.

To navigate to the Questions,

Go to Question>More page from the top navigation menu and click Ask A Question.

  1. Share with: If you want to share your questions with a specific Team or All Your Followers.

    To: Enter the group, department, and project name to whom you want to ask the question.

    CC: Ask questions to multiple teams (in CC) and keep all answers from different teams consolidated on the same question thread.

    Note: Any number of teams can be included in the CC list.

  2. Ask Your Question.

  3. Attach any supporting documentation.

  4. Select if you want to Share your questions with all users, including guest users, or just network users. Then click on Ask.

Questions will then be shared on the news feed with the chosen users and teams. It will also be displayed on the Questions page.

On the Question page, you will see:

  1. See all answers and questions

  2. See all experts

  3. See FAQs for Questions

  4. Show:

    • All Questions

    • Answered Questions

    • Questions Without a Response

    • Popular Question

    • Questions with an Accepted Answer

    • Questions without an Accepted Answer

    • My Pinned Questions

  5. Find an Expert on a topic.

  6. Ask questions with users and teams.

You can also ask questions from the Universal Compose Button.

Go to Universal Compose Box from the right hand side of the navigation bar and click Questions.

Then, follow the same process as you would when asking a question from the Questions page.

Finding an Expert

To find an Expert, click on Find an Expert from at the top of the screen.

  1. Select the appropriate search filter. You can select between:

    • All

    • Projects

    • Groups

    • Departments

    • Opportunities

    • Expertise and People

    • Files

    • Pages, Posts, Wikis, Notes

  2. Select the Search Field.

  3. Select the Condition

    • Equal to

    • Not equal to

    • Contains

    • Does not contain

  4. Type in the search parameter.

  5. Add or Remove additional parameters.

  6. Select if All or Any of the search parameters must be met.

  7. Complete the Search.

  8. Reset the search field back to default.

Note: Selecting Equal To will require an exact match for your search parameters.

Leader Board

MangoApps allow you to see who most often answers questions and provides accepted answers.

From the Questions page, select Experts from the left-hand side menu. This will show you the users who most often answer questions. It ranks the users by the highest number of accepted and provided answers.

This is a great way to see users who are actively answering questions and sharing knowledge.

Voting on Answers

Just like all users can answer questions that are shared with them, all users can vote on answers.

Users can upvote or downvote an answer as appropriate.

Note: Once you vote, you cannot change your upvote or downvote.

Accepting Answers

When you ask a question and users provide an answer, you can vote to accept the answer.

Underneath the answer to the question asked, is the option to Accept the Answer. To accept the answer, click on it.

You will be asked to confirm that you wish to accept the answer. Only one answer can be accepted, and the accepted answer will appear on top of all other answers.

Note: Only the user who submitted the question can approve the answer.

Last updated