Learner Management
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Last updated
The learner management tab within a course provides administrators and instructors with a comprehensive set of tools to efficiently assign, monitor, and manage user course progress. MangoApps LMS offers a range of action menus based on a learner's course status, allowing instructors to update due dates, track progress, mark courses as complete, and more. Notably, the Mass Actions on Learners feature enables administrators to streamline user management by performing bulk actions across diverse course types, enhancing administrative efficiency and ensuring effective engagement in various learning scenarios.
Utilizing the Assign Course button, administrators can easily customize assignments by designating courses as required or optional, setting due dates, and adding personalized messages.
The Optional or Required tag will be prominently displayed on the course thumbnail within the user's My Learning menu. This visual indicator ensures that users can easily identify whether a course is mandatory or optional as they navigate through their learning materials.
Admins can also assign learners from a CSV file by clicking the Import link at the bottom of the Add Users pop-up. In order for successful import, the headings of the csv MUST match those in the Sample CSV, even if the columns are not utilized.
When import is completed, admins may receive additional information on the import process via the Import Status Pop-Up window.
The Import Status Pop-Up provides administrators with detailed feedback on the outcome of user import processes, ensuring clarity and transparency. When all users are successfully imported, the pop-up displays the message: "Import process completed and N users imported successfully."
For partial successes, where some users are imported and others are not, the pop-up displays a summary message and provides additional details based on the number of users not imported.
If fewer than 50 users fail to import, a table lists the affected users along with their email or employee ID and the reason for the failure, such as "Employee ID or Email ID not found" or "User with the given Email ID or Employee ID is deactivated."
A Download List button will be available to download these details as a CSV file.
If 50 or more users fail to import, the pop-up skips the table display and provides a Download List button to retrieve the details. The downloaded file, named Non_Imported_List_[current date].csv, includes user identifiers and reasons for the failure.
From the 3-Dot action menu next to a user entry, instructors possess access to the course certificate, course interaction history, and permissions pertaining to the selected user. Earned certificates be viewed, downloaded, and even removed from a user. Depending on the user's course status, different menu options will appear:
If the user has started the course, but not made meaningful progress within the course, the following menu options will appear:
Update/Add Course Due Date - When updating the course due date, if the "assigned by" user is unspecified, it will be automatically set to the admin making this update, and the course status will be changed to "Required" for the selected user. No notifications will be generated. Conversely, if the course due date is removed, the course will be marked as "Optional" for the user, and no notifications will be triggered.
Reset progress - This option will reset progress associated with the most recent attempt of the course/curriculum, returning the course status to "Not Started".
View History - View the interaction history between the selected user and the course/program.
Mark as Complete - Selecting this option will automatically mark the course as completed for the chosen user. It will assign all certificates and credits, as if the user had successfully completed the course on their own.
View SCORM/xAPI Activity - SCORM courses and Admin permission only. Click this option to be taken to the Admin Portal Logs tab within the Domain Module. From this page, admins will be able to monitor any activity that has taken place within the SCORM/xAPI course type.
View Chapter Insights - View the user's progress within individual chapters of the course.
View Quiz Insights - View the user's progress and responses to quiz chapters within a course. A course must have a quiz chapter in order to view these insights. Admins also have the option to export this report as an .xls file.
Make Instructor - Grant Instructor permissions for the course.
Unassign User - Unassign the user from the latest course attempt. The current progress of the latest attempt for the course will be lost and the course will be removed from the user's My Learning page.
Remove User - Choosing this option will permanently delete all user-related data associated with this course. For courses with ILT (Instructor-Led Training) sessions, administrators can opt to remove the user only from the session. Once removed, the data CANNOT be recovered.
If the user has not started the course, but has been assigned the course, the following menu options will appear:
Update/Add Course Due Date - When updating the course due date, if the "assigned by" user is unspecified, it will be automatically set to the admin making this update, and the course status will be changed to "Required" for the selected user. No notifications will be generated. Conversely, if the course due date is removed, the course will be marked as "Optional" for the user, and no notifications will be triggered.
View History - View the interaction history between the selected user and the course/program.
Mark as Complete - Selecting this option will automatically mark the course as completed for the chosen user. It will assign all certificates and credits, as if the user had successfully completed the course on their own.
View Chapter Insights - View the user's progress within individual chapters of the course.
View Quiz Insights - View the user's progress and responses to quiz chapters within a course. A course must have a quiz chapter in order to view these insights. Admins also have the option to export this report as an .xls file.
Make Instructor - Grant Instructor permissions for the course.
Unassign User - Unassign the user from the latest course attempt. The current progress of the latest attempt for the course will be lost and the course will be removed from the user's My Learning page.
Remove User - Choosing this option will permanently delete all user-related data associated with this course. For courses with ILT (Instructor-Led Training) sessions, administrators can opt to remove the user only from the session. Once removed, the data CANNOT be recovered.
If the user has made meaningful progress in the course, the following menu options will appear:
Update/Add Course Due Date - When updating the course due date, if the "assigned by" user is unspecified, it will be automatically set to the admin making this update, and the course status will be changed to "Required" for the selected user. No notifications will be generated. Conversely, if the course due date is removed, the course will be marked as "Optional" for the user, and no notifications will be triggered.
Reset progress - This option will reset progress associated with the most recent attempt of the course/curriculum, returning the course status to "Not Started".
View History - View the interaction history between the selected user and the course/program.
Mark as Complete - Selecting this option will automatically mark the course as completed for the chosen user. It will assign all certificates and credits, as if the user had successfully completed the course on their own.
View Chapter Insights - View the user's progress within individual chapters of the course.
View Quiz Insights - View the user's progress and responses to quiz chapters within a course. A course must have a quiz chapter in order to view these insights. Admins also have the option to export this report as an .xls file.
Make Instructor - Grant Instructor permissions for the course.
Unassign User - Unassign the user from the latest course attempt. The current progress of the latest attempt for the course will be lost and the course will be removed from the user's My Learning page.
Remove User - Choosing this option will permanently delete all user-related data associated with this course. For courses with ILT (Instructor-Led Training) sessions, administrators can opt to remove the user only from the session. Once removed, the data CANNOT be recovered.
If the user has been enrolled into an ILT session, the following menu options will appear
Update/Add Course Due Date - When updating the course due date, if the "assigned by" user is unspecified, it will be automatically set to the admin making this update, and the course status will be changed to "Required" for the selected user. No notifications will be generated. Conversely, if the course due date is removed, the course will be marked as "Optional" for the user, and no notifications will be triggered.
Change/Add to Session - This option enables administrators to change the session in which the user is enrolled. This flexibility is useful if the user needs to attend a different session due to scheduling or other reasons. If not currently enrolled in a session, the instructor can add the user to a chosen session.
Mark as Complete - Selecting this option will automatically mark the course as completed for the chosen user. It will assign all certificates and credits, as if the user had successfully completed the course on their own.
Mark as No Show - Choosing this option will remove the user from the session, causing the course status to revert to "Not Started." Subsequently, the user will have the opportunity to enroll in another session. Optionally, a personalized private message can be sent to the user for follow-up instructions.
View History - View the list of sessions the user has attended and status of the course completion.
Make Instructor - Grant Instructor permissions for the course.
Unassign User - Unassign the user from the latest course attempt. The current progress of the latest attempt for the course will be lost and the course will be removed from the user's My Learning page.
Remove User - Choosing this option will permanently delete all user-related data associated with this course. For courses with ILT (Instructor-Led Training) sessions, administrators can opt to remove the user only from the session. Once removed, the data CANNOT be recovered.
If the user has completed the course, the following menu options will appear:
Update/Add Course Due Date - When updating the course due date, if the "assigned by" user is unspecified, it will be automatically set to the admin making this update, and the course status will be changed to "Required" for the selected user. No notifications will be generated. Conversely, if the course due date is removed, the course will be marked as "Optional" for the user, and no notifications will be triggered.
Reset progress - This option will reset the course/curriculum progress for the user, returning the course status to "Not Started".
View History - View the interaction history between the selected user and the course/program.
View Chapter Insights - View the user's progress within individual chapters of the course.
View Quiz Insights - View the user's progress and responses to quiz chapters within a course. A course must have a quiz chapter in order to view these insights. Admins also have the option to export this report as an .xls file.
Make Instructor - Grant Instructor permissions for the course.
Remove User - Choosing this option will permanently delete all user-related data associated with this course. For courses with ILT (Instructor-Led Training) sessions, administrators can opt to remove the user only from the session. Once removed, the data CANNOT be recovered.
Remove/Generate Certificate - This option will remove or generate the certificate associated with the most recent course attempt by the user. This will not reset the user's progress in the course.
Efficiently manage user progress and course participation with Mass Actions, designed to save time and effort for instructors and administrators. This feature empowers admins to select multiple learners within a course or curriculum and perform bulk actions across various course types.
For self-paced courses, admins can reset progress or mark users as complete/incomplete. In ILT courses, the corresponding action marks users as incomplete in the specific session.
Moreover, instructors can remove selected users, either entirely from the course or just from the session in ILT courses. The flexibility extends to the option to remove users from both the session and the course.
Additionally, in ILT courses, admins have the capability to select multiple learners for actions such as adding or changing sessions, enabling easy enrollment or movement between specific sessions within the course. This streamlined approach enhances administrative efficiency and ensures effective management of user engagement across diverse learning scenarios.