Create Course Content

For Self-Paced Learning

Now that we have our course created, we need to add content. From the 3-Dot action menu, click Edit Course Content. Clicking this option will take you to the course content creation wizard.

The different learning topics within a course are referred to as Chapters. To get started adding chapters, click the Add Chapter button.

Select the type of content you would like to have for this chapter.

While editing a course, it will not be visible to learners in the User Portal until it is re-published.

Content Templates

Selecting content will take you to the Chapter Template Select screen. On this screen you will find 4 content templates to choose from. Each template is meant to provide a starting point for chapter creation and can all be altered after selection.

This Chapter style can include text, video, image, audio, & presentation files.

The offered templates are as follows:

  • Introduction - This template features 4 text blocks, 2 of which feature bullet points and numbered lines. This template is recommended for, as the name implies, your introductory chapter. Highlights include "Basic Idea" and "What You Need" sections.

  • Content - This template features 1 Image + Text box and 3 following text boxes. This template is a great start for adding largely text based content.

  • Summary - This template contains text blocks with different bullet lists. This option is good for reviewing material covered so far during the course as well as reviewing objectives completed and those coming up.

  • Full Featured - This template offers several image and text boxes as well as 1 video block. This template is ideal for a comprehensive and engaging content chapter.

Note: Video blocks within Content style chapters do NOT need to be viewed in order to complete the chapter. These video blocks serve as optional resources or brief explanatory videos. To require a video to be watched, you will want to use the Video style chapter below.


Video chapters require the learner to view a video in order to complete the chapter. This style of content is great for recorded training sessions or company created video collateral.

This chapter type, provides you the flexibility to select the chapter icon, provide a name, and write a brief description (≤1000 characters) for your video. The chapter icon will appear along the left hand chapter index when learners and admins view the course.

Additionally, you can decide whether learners can scrub the video. The Completion Settings will be enabled by default, allowing learners to progress or regress the play head. However, by unchecking this option, learners will not be able to skip or fast-forward, which is advisable for essential videos that must be watched in full without skipping.

All video file types are accepted and the maximum file size is 5GB (The standard for most video files uploaded to MangoApps domains).

Videos uploaded to MangoApps or stored in the MangoApps media library will have their Estimated Duration automatically calculated. However, for media accessed via a URL, the system won't auto-calculate the duration. In such cases, it is recommended to manually input these numbers in order for the overall course duration time to update correctly.


Similar to the Video style chapter, the Audio style chapter requires the learner to view a video in order to complete the chapter. This style of content is great for recorded training sessions or company created audio collateral. The max file size is 5GB (The standard for most video files uploaded to MangoApps domains).

As part of our ongoing course example, for our annual compliance safety training, learners must listen to a clip from Marty the Mango's safety podcast.

Make sure to include a link to a written transcript for accessibility options.


Choose this chapter style to include presentation slides using a PowerPoint or PDF file. This course chapter style is great for passing on information that may have been used in a seminar or if you want to include visually engaging and interactive content. The maximum file size for the presentation is 5GB (The standard for most video files uploaded to MangoApps domains).

Users do not need to view all slides in order to mark a section as completed.


Test your learners within the same course using the Quiz style chapter. Once you have filled in a title and description, click the Create Quiz button to be taken to the quiz creation wizard. For information on creating a quiz within your course, click here.

Chapter Index

Once you have populated chapters within a course, additional options will become available from the left hand Chapter index menu.

Reorder Chapter

You have the ability to easily change the sequence of chapters in a course by moving them up or down. This feature supports the reordering of any type of chapter.

Duplicate Chapter

Efficiently author courses by duplicating chapters. This functionality works for any type of chapter, and the embedded media is shared or referenced in the copied chapters.

Deactivate Chapter

Deactivating a chapter retains its content but hides it from learners during the course. You can deactivate any type of chapter. Deactivated chapters can still be moved up or down and duplicated as needed.

Delete Chapter

Deleting a chapter will result in the permanent removal of its contents. Once deleted, no user will have access to the contents of this chapter. Instead, we recommend deactivating the chapter to conceal it from all learners while retaining the chapter's content. This way, you can hide the chapter without permanently losing its content.

Last updated