Manage Report Templates


Enabling admins to create custom LMS report templates based on system-generated templates empowers companies to align their reporting processes with specific business objectives. This flexibility ensures that administrators can tailor reports to focus on key metrics crucial for decision-making, fostering a more efficient and consistent reporting workflow. By allowing customization, companies can adapt their reporting to evolving needs, extracting relevant insights that directly contribute to achieving strategic goals and enhancing the overall effectiveness of their training programs.

Create Custom Report Templates

For quick and easy access domain and Learn admins can save a generated report with custom filters as a custom template. To save a template, a name and, optionally, a description are required.

Admins have the flexibility to change custom template filters when generating a report, allowing for dynamic and adaptable reporting. But don't worry, these changes will not permanently alter the template!

Manage Report Templates

Custom templates can be managed by clicking the Manage Report Templates button at the top of the screen.

The name and description of custom report templates can be edited or deleted to ensure relevance and accuracy. The template filters can not be changed.

Last updated