Editing Course Info

After a course has been created, the course infor can be updated at anytime. Simply locate the course you wish to edit, and select Edit Course Info from the 3-Dot action menu.

When editing a course this way, there are a few things to keep in mind for courses created within MangoApps and for imported courses.

Editing a Mango Authored Course

Courses created within MangoApps can be edited at any time by the domain admin, instructor and designated learn module admins.

All the information in course info & content content for self-paced courses can be edited.

The selected mode of Delivery CANNOT be edited once the course has content added to it.

Editing a course that is already published will automatically hide it (temporarily) from the course catalog for the duration while it is being edited. This is to avoid learners starting or resuming the course while it is being edited. After the edit is complete the course will again automatically become available in the course catalog as before.

Editing of Imported/Uploaded SCORM Course

Courses imported/uploaded can be edited at any time by domain admin, instructor and designated learn module admins.

Similar to above, the Delivery mode CANNOT be edited once the course has content added to it.

New versions of SCORM course package can be uploaded to update the course to the newest version.

New menu options will also become available specifically for imported courses.

The option to setup how the new version of SCORM course becomes effective for ongoing learners becomes available. By default, new learners will always get the latest version of the course.

You will also have the option to reset or keep the current course progress. Choosing to reset will erase all progress made by learners in the previous course version, initiating them from the beginning of the newly uploaded version. Conversely, selecting to keep the current progress permits learners who have already commenced the course with the older version to finish it using the version they have initially started.

Last updated