
Setting up the Ideas module


The Ideas module enables your users to capture ideas and start idea campaigns inside your company.

Encourage users to post in the Ideas module to share with the management ways to improve processes, create solution to common customer problems & more.

Network admins can manage the idea admins and the statuses of ideas that are under consideration, deferred, and implemented.

Manage Ideas

  1. Manage Ideas: Network admins can assign the Idea Administrator role to network users for streamlining the idea cycle management on the domain. Click the Click here button to redirect to the 'Admin Roles' page and add idea administrators. See Idea Administrator for more information.

Idea Life Cycle Management

  1. Ideas under Consideration: Manage the list of statuses for ideas under consideration. MangoApps automatically assigns the first enabled status from the status list when a user submits a new idea on the User Portal. At least one status MUST ALWAYS be enabled from the list.

  2. Status List: List of all statuses for the ideas under consideration. Mark the checkbox to enable/disable the status in the Ideas module. Disabled status is NOT displayed on the User Portal.

  3. Actions:

    • Edit: Click the Edit option to edit the status.

    • Remove: Click the Remove option to delete the status.

  4. + Add New Status: Click the + Add New Status link to add a new status in the list.

  5. Ideas Deferred: Manage the list of statuses for ideas that are deferred or on hold or suspended temporarily. Edit/Remove statuses from the status list. Click the + Add New Status link to add a new status in the list. At least one status MUST ALWAYS be enabled from the list.

  6. Ideas Implemented: Manage the list of statuses for ideas that are either implemented or partially implemented. When an idea is moved to any of the statuses in the list of Ideas Implemented, it is automatically closed for users to say 'Yes/No' on it on the User Portal. Edit/Remove statuses from the status list. Click the + Add New Status link to add a new status in the list. At least one status MUST ALWAYS be enabled from the list.

Only network admins can add, edit, and remove statuses.

Statuses already used for ideas CANNOT be deleted.

Adding a New Status

To add a new status:

  1. Click the + Add New Status link under the section you want the new status for. For example, click the + Add New Status list under the Ideas Deferred section to add a new status for it.

  2. Enter the name for the status. For example, enter Suspended Temporarily.

  3. Click the Add button to add the new status.

  4. Click the Edit option to edit a status. Edit the text and then click the Save button.

Adding a new status

To see how these configurations impact the Ideas on the User Portal, see Ideas & Campaigns in the User Portal Guide.

Last updated