
Managing the to-do sections on your domain


A to-do section is a simple logical grouping of related to-dos which can be shared/made visible to others or kept private. Only domain admins can add, edit or remove the following default sections.

Network admins can manage the to-do sections, create new sections for all network users.

  1. List of sections: Displays all the to-do sections on your domain. MangoApps contains 3 default sections - Current Items, Backlog Items, and Other Items. As a network admin, you can click the toggle bar to enable/disable sections, drag-and-drop to re-order them.

    • Toggle bar: Click the toggle bar for a section to enable/disable it. Disabling a section, hides the to-do items and section in the To Do module on the User Portal.

    • Settings: Click the Settings button to edit a section.

    • Delete: Click the Delete button to delete a section. Deleting a section moves the to-do items from the deleted section to the 'Other Items' section automatically.

  2. + Add New Section: Click the + Add New Section to create a new section for to-do list.

  3. Apply order to all users: Click the Apply order to all users button to set the new sections order for all network users. This overwrites the existing section order set by the network users and moves any user created sections to the bottom of the list.

Only network admins can add, edit, enable, disable or remove the default sections - Current Items, Backlog Items, and Other Items.

Adding a New Section

To add a new to do section:

  1. Click the + Add New Section link to open the New Section pop-up.

  2. In the New section pop-up, enter the name for the section in the Section Name text box. For example, enter Priority Items in the Section Name text box.

    1. Enter a description for the new section in the Description text box.

    2. Choose a color for the section from the Color picker.

    3. Select Who can View the section on the User Portal.

      • Visible to user only: Display the to-do items from the section to the user only.

      • Visible to user's manager: Display the to-do items from the section to the user and the user's manager.

      • Visible to specific users decided by an external source: Display the to-do items from the section to specific users as defined in the third-party To-do list application. Third-party To-Do applications could be Wunderlist,, Google Keep, etc. You MUST contact your MangoApps Account Manager to integrate third-party to-do list applications with MangoApps.

        • Can User Add To-Do In This Section: Choose Yes allow users to add a to-do item in the section.

    4. Click the toggle bar for the Reminder option to add a reminder for the items in the to do section.

    5. Click the Save button to save the new section and close the New section pop-up.

  3. Drag-and-drop the section as preferred to re-order it.

  4. Click the Apply order to all users button to overwrite the section order for all network users.

Adding a new section

Editing a Section

Click the Settings button for a section to open the Section Settings pop-up and edit the section.


How can users override and manage the To Do Sections?

Network users can override and mange the sections for the To Do module via the User Portal:

  1. In the User Portal profile drop-down, click Change My Settings.

  2. Click the To Do tab.

  3. Click Sections.

  4. Drag-and-drop the sections as preferred to re-order them.

  5. Click the + Add New Section link to create a new to-do section.

    1. In the New section pop-up, enter the name for the section in the Section Name text box. For example, enter Priority Items in the Section Name text box.

    2. Enter a description for the new section in the Description text box.

    3. Choose a color for the section from the Color picker.

    4. Select Who can View the section on the User Portal.

      • Only Me: Display the to-do items from the section to only me.

      • My manager: Display the to-do items from the section to me and my manager.

      • Specific users: Display the to-do items from the section to specific users as defined by me.

    5. Click the toggle bar for the Reminder option to add a reminder for the items in the to do section.

    6. Click the Save button to save the new section and close the New section pop-up.

Network users can create their own sections which they manage.

Guest users CANNOT change the To Do settings since they do NOT have access to the module.

To see how these configurations impact the To Do module on the User Portal, see To Do Lists in the User Portal Guide.

Last updated