Terms of Service

Configuring the Terms of Service for all users


Terms of service (also known as Terms of Use or Terms and conditions) are rules the network administrators can configure for every user on the domain to agree to and abide by in order to use the domain. Terms of service can also be merely a disclaimer, especially regarding the use of the domain.

The terms of service will cover all users (network and guest users both) who have access to the domain and will appear when users login for the first time on the web client. Network admins can enable the "Acceptance Required" property to ensure that the user provides their acceptance to the content on this page before proceeding ahead.

Terms of Service can be configured from the Getting Started tab.

Terms of Services For All Users

If enabled, the Terms of Service is displayed to all new network and guest users on their first login to the domain in the Getting Started page.

Also, existing network users are displayed the Terms of Service pop-up whenever any edits are made and saved to it by network admins.

Preview of Terms of Services for new users and existing users


When and how are users asked to accept the Terms of Service?

For new network and guest users signing up or invited to the domain:

  • The first time a network/guest user tries to login to the domain with their login credentials.

For existing network users:

  • Any updates to the content of the Terms of Services AND

  • The next time user accesses the User Portal.

Last updated