A desktop, mobile, a browser exstention client with everything you need in MangoApps.
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A desktop, mobile, a browser exstention client with everything you need in MangoApps.
Last updated
With MangoApps for your desktop, you can be notified of activity that you follow in MangoApps, have real-time chats with single colleagues or an entire team, and find and share files in MangoApps with colleagues.
Select Downloads.
The downloads screen contains
Download for Windows and Mac
Messenger for Windows and Mac
Sync for Windows and Mac
Mango Recorder for Windows and Mac
Browser Extensions
MangoApps for Chrome Extension
MangoApps for Edge Extension
MangoApps for Firefox Extension
Smart Phone Apps
MangoApps for iOS
MangoApps for Android
Select the MangoApps desktop app for your operating system.
Click on download for the appropriate operating system.
Next, go through the download process for your system.
The browser extension provides quick access to most recently visited sections in MangoApps and most pages in the system.
From the Downloads screen, scroll down to Browser Extension. Select on the desired extension and follow the process on the screen.
With MangoApps for Mobile, you can take the power of MangoApps with you, on any smart device.
From the Downloads screen, click on the appropriate phone operating system.
You can also access the MangoApps for Mobile app from the app store on your smart device.
For more information on using the MangoApps for Mobile, please see our help article on MangoApps Mobile.
Mango Recorder is a screen capture utility that publishes images directly to your MangoApps domain.
Click on the download link for the appropriate operating system.