

The moderation queue is a centralized hub for reviewing and managing all flagged user-generated content from the last 60 days, offering views by content type (All, Team, or Company) and status (Pending, Published, or Removed). Moderators can take actions such as publishing, removing, or changing the status of items by selecting them via checkboxes. The queue also provides sorting options by various columns, and flagged content can be viewed, edited, or reported for false detection.

Queue Views

The Moderation Queue offers the following views:

By Content

  • All: Content posted to both teams and the entire company

  • Team Content: Content posted to specific teams

  • Company Content: Content posted to the entire company

By Status

  • Pending: Items that are pending action

  • Published: Items that have been approved and published to the domain

  • Removed: Items that have been declined and removed from the domain


Take action on Moderation items by selecting the associated checkbox in the left-most column and selecting the desired action button in the upper right corner.

Available action buttons will vary depending on the selected status view:

In Pending view: Publish or Remove Queue items

In Published view: Change status to Removed or Pending

In Removed view: Change status to Published or Pending

Bulk actions can be taken by selecting the top-most checkbox to take action on all items in the Queue or by selecting multiple individual checkboxes.

Queue Columns

All columns (except the Content column) can be individually sorted by clicking on the column titles.


Shows the text content that has been flagged for Moderation. Clicking directly on the text will launch the content viewer pop-up window.

In the content viewer window, you can view the flagged content in its entirety. If the content was flagged due to containing a moderated keyword, then the detected keyword will be highlighted in yellow in this viewer.

The following actions are available within the content viewer:

  • Edit

  • Message User

  • Report False Detection (if flagged by AI)

  • View Feed (if content type is comment or reply)

  • Publish

  • Remove


Shows the user who posted the content. Clicking on the user’s name will launch their profile preview


Shows the type of content that has been sent for moderation

Content types that can be moderated include:

  • Posts

  • Status Updates

  • Questions

  • Comments

  • Replies


Name of the team in which the content was posted

Creation Date

Date when the content was created

Flagged By

Shows what method the content was moderated by.

Flagged by types include:

  • System

  • User

  • AI Negativity Tolerance

  • AI Harm Analysis

Each flagged-by type will show the reason for flagging by hovering on the info tip.

For AI-flagged items, the option to Report False Detection directly to MangoApps is available.

Page Controls

The Show dropdown menu in the bottom left corner of the Queue allows you to configure how many Queue items appear on a single page — 20, 50, or 100.

Navigate between pages using the controls in the bottom right corner of the Queue.

Last updated