Debug Log

Monitor and troubleshoot activities across different teams


The Debug Log is designed to provide detailed records of various system actions, such as content edits, saves, and additions. It helps administrators and technical teams monitor and troubleshoot activities across different teams and locations.

The log also tracks user actions, timestamps, and IP addresses, ensuring full visibility into system interactions.

Key Features

  • Search and Filtering: The Debug Log allows administrators to search by content keywords, specific time ranges, and filter by action types, making it easy to locate specific events.

  • Detailed Log Entries: Each log entry provides information on the item type (e.g., post), the action taken (e.g., edit started), the user who performed the action, their location, and the IP address used.

  • Export Options: The Debug Log can be exported for offline review or further analysis using CSV or specialized log formats like ROR and Janus Logs.

Possible Events

This log tracks the various stages a post goes through from its initial draft to its published status. These stages include actions such as:

  • Starting an edit

  • Saving or deleting a draft

  • Sending the post for review

  • Reviewer requests for changes

This debug log provides traceability, allowing admins to see which user performed each activity throughout the post's lifecycle, especially when multiple authors and reviewers are involved. By default, logs are retained for the last 365 days.

Filter Options

To help narrow down results, the Debug Log provides several filtering options:

  1. Content Keyword: Enter a specific keyword related to the content to search for relevant debug log entries.

  2. Logs Between: Specify a date range to filter logs within a particular period.

  3. Actions: Filter logs by the type of action taken (e.g., edit started, draft saved, added). The default setting shows all actions.

To apply the filter, input the relevant criteria and click the Search button. Use the Clear button to reset all filters.

Export the Log

For further analysis or record-keeping, the Debug Log can be exported using the following options:

  • Download ROR Log: This format is typically used for detailed technical analysis, suitable for system administrators. Private and On-prem customers only.

  • Download Janus Log: Another specialized format useful for specific types of log analysis. Private and On-prem customers only.

  • Export CSV: A more universally accessible format that can be opened in spreadsheet applications like Excel or Google Sheets, useful for broader data analysis and reporting.

Retention Policy

MangoApps retains Debug Log entries from the date of domain creation, and these logs are never deleted. Network admins can access them at any time.

By using the Debug Log effectively, administrators and technical teams can ensure smooth operation, quickly resolve issues, and maintain an audit trail of activities across the system.

Last updated