
Collect Votes and Gather Realtime Feedback From Employees

While polls and surveys can be used to collect feedback from employees internally, balloting takes voting to the next level with a number of custom controls and features that are purpose built. MangoApps Votes and Ballots give every employee a voice and help organizations successfully establish new policies, elect representatives, and make meaningful decisions. Ballots increase employee engagement and overall success.

Create Ballots With Ease

Users create ballots for any use in minutes, and immediately notify voters in real time. Select an audience, create a title and include details or special instructions, set ballot settings, labels, and voting options, impose voting start and end times/dates, and set the permissions for viewing results, revoting or leaving comments.

Match Ballot Type To Content

MangoApps supports choosing from two types of content on every Ballot: Document or Person. A document allows voters to read and react on one or more attached documents, while the person option allows for voting for election of one or more people. The ballot type is determined by the use case, allowing for multiple choice (election style) or single choice (yes/no).

Collecting Votes and Comments

Voting options allow for affirmative, negative and abstaining votes. These votes can include comments which can be set to ‘optional', ‘required’ or ‘not allowed’ for each vote type as necessary.

Meaningful Audience Responses

Votes that are cast are reported on the ballot results page, and are visible based on the visibility settings for when/who. The results are reported in two sections, results summary, and results detail by voter, and can be downloaded in an XLS format. The ballot creator, and admins can always view the results of a ballot when available.

Communicating With Voters

Notifications ensure that ballot changes are communicated to users, allowing them to have control on the specific ballot notifications they wish to be notified about. A smart reminder automatically goes out to all voters (who have not voted yet) one day prior to ballot close date. If enabled, users can also comment on a ballot even if they are not a voter.

Auto-Approved Ballots

Admins can configure ballots to automatically become ‘approved’ when they reach a certain % of affirmative votes, and will be triggered if the requirement is met by the ballot close date.

Managing Voter Lists

Voter lists can be auto-managed as per team membership, meaning as new members are added to the team, they are automatically added as a voter to open ballots in that team. Members who are removed from a team will also lose their ability to vote on a ballot. Custom voter lists can also be created to house a specific list of team members, which will not be auto-managed.

Last updated