Get answers to frequently asked questions on Mango LMS

Does Mango LMS system have xAPI support?

Yes Mango LMS comes with inbuilt support for xAPI & SCORM courses.

Does Mango LMS have a built in LRS or integrate with an external LRS?

Mango LMS comes with built-in LRS. Integration with external LRS system can be done as well via APIs or custom development

Will LMS admins be able to manually mark users as 'Complete' so that the course completion will show in their learning transcripts ?

Yes, LMS admins or course instructors can mark a course complete for a user. On marking the course complete if there is a certificate associated to the course, the user will be sent the certificate via a private message and it will appear on user's profile

Can completion deadline be added as an option when assigning courses to user?

Yes as part of assigning a course to a user Domain/LMS admin can assign it as a required or optional course. For a required course a completion deadline can be assigned

Can we remove some of the items in the summary box currently at the top of the Learn page? (The information contained there is not relevant to our users.)

Yes. There is a learn module setting in the admin portal that you can use to turn some of the summary info off.

Will the Learn module be able to notify a user when a course is assigned to them?

Yes when the course is assigned to a user either manually or via automation rule, the user can be notified via a private message

Can we enable the Learn module to notify a user when a course completion deadline is approaching

Yes by using the Action Center widget you can show the courses that are to be completed in the next 30 days. Reminder for these will auto-notify the users. Up to 6 reminders can be set.

Can we enable the Learn module to notify instructor when someone posts a question in a course?

Yes, the course instructor is notified when a new question is posted in the course.

Can we view a user's transcript?

Yes, the learn module provides templates that can be used to generate user transcript. Both admins & users can generate a transcript

Are the certificates automatically sent when courses are completed and passed?

Yes, certificates are setup once with a course. As learners complete a self-paced course, the certificate is automatically generated and sent to the learner. For a ILT course, when the instructor marks the course as complete for the user the certificate is automatically generated and sent to the learner.

What file types are accepted for courses (videos, etc)

Courses support files of type Image. Video, Audio, Presentation (PPTx) and PDF.

Can you prevent a trainee from moving forward to the next course if they fail a quiz?

No. If a trainee completes the quiz (pass or fail), they can move forward to the next chapter. With a locked navigation style you can enforce that the quiz is completed before moving forward to the next chapter.

Users only see the courses that have been assigned to them. Or would they see the entire catalogue of courses?

Both. Users see all the courses in the course catalog based on course visibility settings. Additionally the courses that have been assigned to the user are also visible to the user in their My Learning tab

Can SCORM courses be replaced or updated?

Yes. Mango LMS supports uploading new version of a course which replaces/updated the older copy. You have the option to make users who are currently taking the course to complete the course with the older version or move to new SCORM version.

Will LMS Admins be able to assign courses to users and set completion deadlines?

Yes, deadlines (or due dates) for course can be set when a course is assigned to a user both via automation rule or manually by LMS admin.

Can users be assigned LMS admin role?

Yes, in MangoApps you can use the custom admin role feature to assign specific users LMS admin role. LMS admin role will have access to the admin portal Learn module only.

Can you have teacher led courses or webinars?

Yes, Mango LMS supports Virtual Instructor Led Training (vILT) type of courses. LMS admin / Instructors can manage enrolment and attendance for the vILT sessions.

Can courses be in teams?

Yes, Mango LMS supports courses to be in teams using course visibility.

Can an LMS admin view course progression and transcripts of Deactivated users?

Yes. From the Learners tab, authorized users can see the course progression of all users, even deactivated users.

Last updated