How do I change the url of my MangoApps on-premise domain?

  1. Create and change to a new directory

    • mkdir /root/mytemp/dbbkup/

    • cd /root/mytemp/dbbkup/

  2. Log into MySQL using your MySQL root password [ROOT_PASSWORD] (You must contact MangoApps Support for your MySQL Root Password)

    • mysql -uroot -p[MY_ROOT_PASSWORD] -h[mysqlhost]

  3. DUMP the database as root user (make sure DB is sg_public not something different)

    • mysqldump -uroot -p --add-drop-database --add-drop-table --single-transaction --routines --databases sg_public > sg_public_bkup.db

  4. Change old to new everywhere

    • sed 's/[OLD_DOMAIN_URL]/[NEW_DOMAIN_URL]/g' sg_public_bkup.db > sg_public_bkup_updated.db

  5. Import the changed db back to MySQL

    • mysql -uroot -p sg_public < sg_public_bkup_updated.db

  6. Get the [OLD_DOMAIN_ID] by querying the domains table with the following. The [OLD_DOMAIN_ID] will be listed in the same row as the [OLD_DOMAIN_URL].

    • select id,domain_url from domains;

  7. Change one value in the domains table that is subdomain part of your [NEW_DOMAIN_URL]. If your [NEW_DOMAIN_URL] is then the [NEW_DOMAIN_KEY] is “mysubdomain”.

    • update domains set domain_key='[NEW_DOMAIN_KEY]' where id='[ID_OF_OLD_DOMAIN]

Last updated