Cloud Dependent Features

On-premise customers who wan't the following features to work in their on-premise setup need to enable inbound/outbound controlled access to internet

Online viewing fo Microsoft Word, PowerPoint & Excel documents via Microsoft Cloud Partner Integration requires inbound & outbound internet access. For US based customers the inbound/outbound access from/to the following IP addresses at a minimum is needed




As part of this integration with Microsoft , this will require the documents to be stored on Microsoft servers during viewing/editing in addition to the on-premise hardware.

Video streaming is supported via AWS CloudFront CDN. This requires video to be stored on the CDN in addition to the on-premise hardware. MangoApps will perform the video streaming using a signed URL only with an expiration date and time to ensure a secure access

Video Subtitles (optional)

If you need your videos to have video subtitles, then it requires outbound & inbound access to AWS Cloud ML service.

Text to Speech conversion (optional)

If you need MangoApps to perform automatic text to speech conversion of posts then it requires outbound & inbound access to AWS Cloud ML service.

Inline Translation (optional)

If you need MangoApps to perform inline language translation of user posted content then it requires outbound & inbound access to AWS Cloud ML service.

CDN for images and other assets (optional)

For faster delivery, images and other static assets they can be optionally served via CDN Customer choice based on security profile and comfort with cloud

Last updated