Working with Tasks in Mobile
Tasks in Projects
Click on the More menu and select Projects.
From the selected project, click on the three dot menu.
Then, select Tasks
Pending: These are tasks that have not been started yet
Delegated: Tasks you have delegated to other users
Order: Change the order of the tasks:
By sequence
By priority
By Due Date
Completed: Tasks that have been completed
Quick Find: Quickly search for and find a task
Tasks: List of tasks, click on a task to open it
Individual Tasks:
Click on More and select Tasks
Tap on the task you want to work with.
Create a Task in Mobile
Click on the Pencil to open the menu.
Now, select Create a Task
Enter Task Details: Enter the details of your newly create task
Priority: Set the priority level for the task. The priority levels will vary based upon what you have configured.
Task Type: Set the Task Type. Your option will vary based upon what you have configured.
Due: Set the due date for the task
Visibility: Choose the visibility for the task:
Everyone in Network
Additional Notes: Add any necessary additional notes to the Task
In Project: Select the project to add the task to
Responsible: Select the person or persons responsible for the task
Acceptors: Who can accept a task as complete
Milestones: Milestones towards task completion
Best Case: The best case scenario for how long it will take for the task to be completed
Worst Case: The worst case scenario for how long it will take for the task to be completed
Camera:Take a photo or video to add to the task
Photo: Upload a photo to attach to the task
Microphone: Record audio to attach to the task
File: Attach a file to the task
Save: Click on Save to create the task
How to Start and Finish the Task from mobile
Navigate to your Project or Personal Tasks
Select a task to view its details
Click on the three dot menu
Start: Start the task for tracking
Finish: Mark the task as finished
Edit: Edit the task. This is only available to you if you are the task creator or an admin
View Comments: View comments associated
Copy Link: Copy a link to give someone direct access to the task
Cancel: Close the menu
If a task has already been started, you will not see an option to start the task. You will see the option to Revert the task. Reverting a task changes the status from Started to Not Started.
How to Accept or Reject a Task from mobile
If you are an approver on a task, you will get notified if a user has submitted a task as completed.
Click on the notification.
You will see any added comments. Next, tap View Task.
Next, select the three dot menu
Accept: Accept the task as complete
Reject: Reject the task and send it back the the designated user for completion
Edit: If you are the task creator or an admin, you can edit the task
View Comments: View any comments associated with the task. These comments include the submission comments provided by the user who completed the task
Copy Link: Get a direct access link to the task
Cancel: Close the menu
Reopen a Completed Task
If you have accepted a task, but need to reopen it, navigate to the the complete task. Then, click the three dot menu.
Next, click on Reopen. This will move the task from Completed, back to Pending.
Last updated