
Ask questions and get the answers you need


The Questions module in MangoApps makes it easy to ask questions and get the answers you need. You can reach multiple people in no time at all to quickly get the the answers you need to get your job done.

From the More menu, select Questions.

The Questions screen has 4 tabs.

  • All: Shows every questions asked

  • Answered: Shows all questions that have been answered.

  • Un-responded: All questions that have been asked, but no answers have be provided

  • My Pinned: Questions you have starred for quick access

Answer a Question

When you know the answer to a colleague's question, it is easy to contribute and provide an answer.

Select Respond on the question you want to answer.

Type the answer to your question. Next, select Post

Then, select if you want your response to be considered an Answer or a Comment. Your response will be posted.

Accept an Answer

If you are the user who asked the question, you can Accept a provided answer

In a response, click on the three dot menu.

  1. Upvote: Vote for a response. Until an answer is accepted, answers with the most upvotes will be on the top of the response list

  2. Downvote: Downvote a response. Until an answer is accepted, answers with the most downvotes will be on the bottom of the response list

  3. Accept Answer: If you are the user who posted the question, you can accept an answer.

  4. Cancel: Close the three dot menu

If you select Accept Answer, you will asked to verify that you want to accept an answer. You can only accept one answer.

The accepted answer will be on the top of the list of answers. It will also have a green check mark next to it.

Ask a Question

It is easy to ask your colleagues your questions. With the Questions module, you can reach a multitude of colleagues at one time as opposed to blindly emailing or messaging one person at a time.

From the Questions screen, click on the Plus Sign at the top of the screen.

  1. Select if you want to ask your question to a Team or Your Followers.

  2. If you select Team, input the team you want to share your question with

  3. Type you question

  4. Access your camera to take a photo or video to attach to your question

  5. Access your photo gallery to attach a picture to your question

  6. Access your microphone to record audio to attach to your question

  7. Access your files to attach to your question

  8. Add a gif to your question

  9. When you are finished, tap on Ask to post your question

If you are posting your question with a team that has guest users, click the gear to select if you want the question to be visible to All Members or Network Users Only.

Last updated