People Directory & Profiles

Company employee directory and profile pages to find experts and increase communication

With MangoApps People Directory and Profiles, you are able to get detailed information about colleagues. You can see an icon view, a list view, and even an org chart view. MangoApps makes it easy to share and access detailed information about employees.


From the app, click on More, then select People.

  1. I am Following: Only users you are following will display on this list

  2. Following Me: Only users who are following you will display on this list

  3. Filter: Filter the list of users displayed

  4. Add User: You will only see this option if you are an admin

  5. Everyone: See all users in the system

  6. Quick Find: Search for a specific user

  7. Full List: See the full list of users

Filter the People List

It is easy to filter the people list. From the people list, click on the filter icon.

  1. Search by location

  2. Click Apply to filter

  3. Tap on any location to include it in the filter

Add Users

From the People section, click on the plus sign.

  1. Add the email address of the user you want to add

  2. Click on Send Invitation

You will get a confirmation that your invitation(s) have been sent.


On the user profile, you have several options available to you.

Click on the three dot menu.

  1. Info: This will show you the user profile.

  2. Activity: This will show activity that the user has been doing like installing the app, organizing events, leveling up, etc.

  3. Badges: This will show badges that the user has earned

  4. Recognitions: This will show you any awards that have been given to the user

Profile Options

  1. Send Chat: Send a chat message to the user

  2. Send Message: Send a private message to the user

  3. Recognize: Award a recognition to the user

  4. More: More menu option include:

    1. Follow/Unfollow: Follow a user to get their updates in your newsfeed. Unfollow a user to end updates appearing on your newsfeed

    2. Copy Link: Get a link directly to the user profile

    3. Add to Contacts: Add the user information (email, phone number, etc.) to your smart device

    4. Share Profile: Share profile with contacts from your smart device

Last updated