News Feed

Central source to stay updated on projects, files, topics, and activities


Your newsfeed provides a bird's eye view of people, groups, projects, and departments that you are following. With the newsfeed you never have to worry about missing an important update or piece of information. You can completely configure the newsfeed to best suite your workflow and needs, so you never have to worry about important information getting lost in a sea of updates.

You can scroll through your news feel just as you would on the desktop version. Updates that you have not click on are designated by a New status.

  1. My Feeds: All you feeds. This contains items from both your Primary and Secondary newsfeed items

  2. Primary: All newsfeed items that you designated to appear on your Primary tab

  3. Secondary: All newsfeed items that you designated to appear on your Secondary tab

  4. Mentions: All newsfeed items where you were mentioned

Three Dot Menu

The three dot menu will allow you to control the appearance of the updates on your feed.

You can have it:

  1. Show Unread Only: This will have only updates flagged as New appear in your newsfeed. If you select this option, you can always revert back to the previous view by click on the three dot menu and selecting Show All.

  2. Mark This Page as Read: This will allow you to mark everything on the current page, as Read, If you select this, and have your page configured to only show Unread items, then nothing would display on your newsfeed

  3. Mark Everything as Read: This will allow you to mark everything on all your newsfeed pages and tabs, as Read. This is different from Mark This Page as Read, which only marks updates on the current page as Read

  4. Modify your Settings

  5. Click on Cancel to close the menu

Mobile App Newsfeed Settings

To access your newsfeed settings, navigate to your newsfeed and click on the three dot menu. Next, select Settings from the bottom of the list.

  1. My Feeds: Select what will be displayed on your My Feeds tab.

  2. Primary Only: Show Primary tab as its own tab

  3. Secondary Only: Show Secondary tab as its own tab

  4. Mentions: Show the Mentions tab

  5. Starred: Show Starred tab. This tab will not display until you have Starred a post.

Looking at Updates

  1. The update/post/survey, etc that has been shared with you. Click on View Full Post to see the whole post.

  2. See the Reactions given to the post by other users

  3. Add a Reaction to the post

  4. If the poster has allowed it, you can add a Comment to the post

  5. Star a post. It will appear on your Starred tab. Starring a post makes it easy to find at a later time.

Last updated