Replace email with powerful private messages
Private Message in MangoApps are available from your smart device in MangoApps for Mobile.
Click on the Messages dropdown and select Messages
See Your Messages
Messages: See your messages in different mailboxes. You can select from:
Inbox: All your private messages
Unread: All messages that you have not clicked on and marked as read
Starred: All messages you have pinned for quick access
Draft: All messages you have started to write, but have not sent yet to the recipient
Action Required: All messages that you have flagged
Archived: All messages you have archived and removed from your inbox
Messages: Your messages. What is displayed is dependent upon what tab you are viewing. Messages that you have not read yet will have a New distinction mark
Interact with a Message
Select a message to open it.
Three Dot Menu: See available options for interacting with message
Add a Reaction: Add a reaction to the message
Star It: Star a message to save it and have it housed in your Starred folder for easy access
Write a Reply: Write a reply to a message you Receive.
Three Dot Menu
Edit Message: If you have sent the message, you have the option to edit it
Add Colleagues: Add additional users to a message trail
Mute This Conversation: Stop notifications from a message. Muting a conversation will not stop you from being able to participate in the conversation, it only stops you from receiving notifications.
Copy Link to Message: Get a link to the message to share with another user
Mark as Unread/Mark as Read: Mark a message as either read or unread
Archive: Archive the message. Archiving a message removes it from your inbox and moves it to your Archived folder. It does not delete the message.
Delete Conversation: Delete the conversation. This deletes the conversation from your inbox. This cannot be undone.
Cancel: Close the three dot menu without complete any actions to the message.
Send a Message
Click on the Pencil icon.
Now, select Send a New Message.
To: Select the user or users you want to send the message to
Subject: Add a subject line to your message
Message: Add the body of your message
Plus: Opens the same menu options as the pen icon:
Take a picture
Upload an image
Record audio
Attach a file
Add a gif
Send: Send your message
Last updated