Integration with Slack for Channel Notifications

A MangoApps Integration with Slack


The integration of Slack with MangoApps enhances collaboration by enabling communication across both platforms. Once Slack is authenticated via OAuth and an outgoing webhook is created using the provided URL in the MangoApps Slack Settings, users can receive Slack channel notifications in MangoApps.

This integration fosters improved connectivity and more efficient workflows by ensuring that critical updates in Slack channels are relayed accurately to MangoApps.

The integration is available for Free, Pro, and Business Slack editions.

MangoApps Roles Prerequisites

The following roles are required for the integration set up:

  • MangoApps Domain Admin

  • MangoApps Teams Admin

  • Slack Admin User

Set Up on MangoApps

To get started, make sure that the Slack integration has been enabled in both the MangoApps domain settings and Slack. By default this integration is disabled.

The Team Admin must authenticate with Slack using the credentials for the Slack account to be integrated. OAuth authentication is required.

Once authenticated, team admins can customize the display name for notifications and specify which members are allowed to post back to Slack from MangoApps.

Set Up on Slack

First, make sure your company has an active slack subscription, and the workspace has channels with enabled notifications.

The MangoApps webhook URL, generated during the configuration process, should be added to the Slack channel's outgoing webhook settings.

This can be done by navigating to the channel details, selecting Integration, and adding apps.

Select Outgoing Webhooks. The configuration page will prompt you to paste the webhook URL from MangoApps and save the settings. Click Save.

Once complete, any new message in the Slack channel will trigger a notification in MangoApps.

End User Experience (on MangoApps)

For the end-user experience in MangoApps, once the Slack integration is enabled, notifications triggered by Slack will appear as new feeds within the MangoApps team.

These feeds will include details such as:

  • Message ID: Unique ID sent by Slack to MangoApps.

  • Posted By: Username of the Slack user who posted the message.

  • Channel Name: Name of the Slack channel where the message was posted.

  • Message: Content of the Slack message.

  • Posted At: Date and time when the message was posted in Slack.

Team members with the appropriate permissions can reply to these Slack notifications from MangoApps, and their responses will appear in the corresponding Slack channel.

MangoApps also offers a dashboard widget that displays Slack feeds, and users can access the relevant team feed by clicking on them.

Additionally, a global search in MangoApps will return relevant Slack messages based on the search criteria.

Testing Considerations

When testing the integration, ensure that Slack channels are correctly listed in MangoApps and that notifications are set to "All messages" for the channels where you want to push updates.

MangoApps notifications are one-way, meaning they are sent to Slack channels, but users cannot reply from Slack.

In the case of company-wide communications from MangoApps, appropriate Slack channels should be set to Public so information can be shared with the correct user segments on Slack.

Security Considerations

Security considerations include ensuring that the MangoApps Domain Admin has access to the Slack account during the initial setup to authenticate and configure the integration. It’s also recommended to review the MangoApps Privacy Policy for further information.

Rollout Recommendations and Best Practices

For a smooth rollout, communicate with Slack users about the new notifications from MangoApps. Consider creating a dedicated public Slack channel where company-wide posts from MangoApps will be delivered by default. This ensures that everyone stays informed about key updates and enhances the overall effectiveness of the integration.

Last updated