🚧Integration with NetSuite

This article has been moved from its original location within the Admin Guide.

NetSuite Integration

  1. Restlets Server URL: URL of your NetSuite Restlet server

  2. Realm: Your NetSuite customer ID

  3. OAuth Consumer Key: Generated and provided by NetSuite. The unique value is matched with the token to establish ownership.

  4. OAuth Consumer Secret: Secret for your OAuth Consumer Key

  5. OAuth Token: Token generated and provided by NetSuite

  6. OAuth Token Secret: Secret for your OAuth token

  1. Enable Synchronize Companies. Choose if you want the system to skip making updates to existing companies or add new companies and update existing companies in the system.

  2. Enable Synchronize Users. Choose if you want the system to skip updating current users or to add and update new users. You can also select if you want the system to see email invites for newly added users.

  3. Enable Synchronize Teams. Select if you want the system to create a Project, Group, Department, or Opportunity. Choose if you want the system to skip updating current Teams or to add new teams and update existing teams.

Sychronize Schedule

  1. Set your sync schedule. You can choose from:

    1. 5 minutes

    2. 15 minutes

    3. 1 hour

    4. 3 hours

    5. 12 hours

    6. 24 hours

  2. Select if you want NetSuite to be updated when the sync is complete

  3. Click the link to view a detailed log of all syncs

  4. First do a Test Sync. Then, click on Save Settings and Schedule Sync or force an immediate sync by selecting that option from the dropdown menu.

Last updated