How do I create administrators in MangoApps?

Administrators in MangoApps can be either “Network Administrators” or “Team(Department, Group, Projects) Administrators”. Each has distinct privileges over normal users in MangoApps. This article covers how to create both types of administrators and their special privileges.

Network Administrators

How do i create a new network administrator?

Network Administrators are superusers of the entire domain so careful thought should be taken before creating a new network administrator.

To create a new network administrator you must be a network administrator yourself.

  1. Go to Admin Portal > Users > Manage Users

2. Check the box next to the user’s name and click “User Tools” to select “Make Administrator”.

The new network administrator you just created will receive a notification that they have been given administrative privileges.

What privileges do network administrators have compared to normal users?

Network Administrators can access the Admin Portal from the top-right side of the MangoApps web client. Once in the admin portal network administrators have access to the various sections of the admin portal where domain-wide settings can be changed including:

  • Domain Management Upload your company logo, configure default time zone, setup your company branding, timesheet default configuration, enable Facebook & Twitter sharing options, tasks & milestones configuration and configure out-of-company user settings.

  • User Management Manage users within your network. This includes ability to add new users, remove users, set manager/reportees, reset password or suspend a particular user from your network.

  • Group Management Manage groups in your network. This includes creating a new group, editing group properties or deleting a group from the network. Additionally you can upload a picture for the group or setup role based administration.

  • Project Management Manage projects in your network. This includes creating a new project, editing project properties or deleting a project from the network. Additionally you can upload a picture for the project team or setup role based administration.

  • Content Management Use this simple unified search interface to moderate messages and files in the network.

  • Security Management Manage security of your network by specifying an IP range to only allow employees to access MangoApps from your office network or from behind a VPN. Control access from Desktop and Mobile clients. Additionally configure password policy for employees.

  • Integrations Setup external LDAP directory based authentication and IMAP server setup to fetch emails which get converted to feeds.

  • Application Management Manage all MangoApps social applications from here. You can now add your company branded awards and gifts to give that personal touch that makes an award more special.

  • Tools “Tools” is a set of wizards that allows you to export your MangoApps data in a open-XML format with a single click ensuring that you, as the customer, own your user information data.

  • Reporting Monitor your network statistics. Get detailed activity reports on users, projects, messages/IM and much more.

Team(department, group and project) administrators

How do I create a new Team(department, Group and Project) administrator?

To create a Team administrator you must already be a Network/Team administrator yourself. Also, the person that you will be making a new Team administrator must already be a group member. If the new Team administrator is not already in the group, invite them to the Team from the “Members”.

Once the new Team administrator is shown in the “Members” list, make them an administrator by clicking their “Actions” menu in the members list and choosing “Make Admin” as in this screenshot.

What privileges do Team administrators have compared to normal users?

Team Administrators can edit team attributes such as:

  • Editing Team Details

  • Editing Project Health Settings

  • Configuring Time Sheets

  • Adding or Removing Members

  • Setting Default Task Reviewers

  • Archiving the Team

  • Deleting the Team

Last updated