User Preferences & Settings FAQs
How can I update profile image in MangoApps?
First impressions count; we all know this. Perhaps in person, your charm and use of language can camouflage your faults, but in the online world your first impression is made with your face – your profile picture. Learn how you can upload a profile picture here.
How do I reset or change my password?
Users may require the need to change their password for different security reasons. Learn how to change your MangoApps password here.
How do I stop receiving marketing emails from MangoApps?
You are receiving marketing emails because you are an admin or the creator of a MangoApps domain. MangoApps sends out marketing emails from time to time to promote new features, assist with Getting Started, and make company announcements that would pertain to MangoApps customers. To stop receiving marketing emails, you can choose to cancel your MangoApps subscription or ask us to suspend your domain so that you can come back to MangoApps and still have your previous content available after your hiatus.
How can I upload or change the photo that appears next to my name?
You can change your profile picture in MangoApps by uploading a picture from your computer.Learn how you can upload a profile picture here.
How can users turn on or off email notifications?
Users can turn off or on the email notifications they would like to receive. Additionally, Administrators of the domain can initially configure the email notifications that will be received by users in the domain.Learn here how to configure your email notifications.
How can I scale, crop, and center my profile picture?
As you upload your profile picture following instructions here, you can also scale, crop and resize/move the profile picture you are uploading to fit best as you want within the profile picture box.
How do I sign out of all MangoApps sessions at once?
User can sign out of all MangoApps session they are logged into at once, except the one they are currently logged into.You can do so following the below steps:
Log into you MangoApps domain using the Web Client.
Click on your name from the top right corner then click on “Sign Out from all Other Sessions”
How can I stop seeing feeds from colleagues that don’t impact my job function?
To stop seeing feeds from people that you don’t need to communicate with, you can simply “unfollow” them. Find their name in the “People” module from the left navigation bar, click on the more button to select “unfollow”. You can always “Follow” them again to see their complete feed history from the message history.
How can I set up email notifications in MangoApps?
Email notifications are an easy way to notify users about activities happening in MangoApps. User can choose when do they want to be notified.Learn here how to setup/change your email notifications.
Who should I follow in MangoApps?
Follow the people you most often communicate with in your organization AND the people that may post a communication that affects your job function.It’s also a “Best Practice Recommendation” that you ask the same people that you follow to follow you.
To follow a colleague, choose “People” from the left navigation bar and then click on the three dots button to select “Follow” beside the name of the colleague you want to follow.Learn more on people directory here.
Can leaderboard layout be changed?
No, leaderboard layout cannot be changed.
Where can I set the timeout duration?
To adjust the timeout duration, follow these steps:
Access the User Portal.
Go to the "Change My Settings" section.
Look for the "Timeout Settings" option.
Choose "Timeout my session if idle, after" from the available options.
Save your changes by clicking on the "Save" button.
Last updated